"Is my baby with God now?" What does the Bible say to such a question? What hope does it offer parents grieving the loss of a precious child? The answers are merciful. However, the implications are not simple. Is God a Universalist? Is there salvation after death? What is the role of infant baptism? And what about the doctrine of depravity? If a baby is born into sin, then what? What happens to the unborn -- to the miscarried and the aborted? For pastors looking for biblical grounds to offer comfort and assurance, and for parents seeking solace for their grief, When a Baby Dies offers...
"Is my baby with God now?" What does the Bible say to such a question? What hope does it offer parents grieving the loss of a precious child? The answ...
Christians should not have an inferiority complex regarding the academic or intellectual integrity of their faith and should understand that Christian faith is also a rational faith. Faith and Reason has two major purposes. First, it is designed to introduce readers to the more important questions that link philosophy and religion. It explores philosophical questions. It is also written for pastors, Christian workers, and educated laypeople who want to know how to defend the Christian faith. The book includes discussion questions.
Christians should not have an inferiority complex regarding the academic or intellectual integrity of their faith and should understand that Christ...
The popular question has spawned the need for a discussion of religious pluralism, presented here in an accesible fashion for the educated lay reader by a leading evangelical theologian-philosopher.
The popular question has spawned the need for a discussion of religious pluralism, presented here in an accesible fashion for the educated lay reader ...
"The Concept of God is an excellent treatment of an increasingly critical issue in philosophical theology. With characteristic clarity and forthrightness, Dr. Nash judiciously evaluates competing conceptions of deity, and in the end recommends an understanding of God that is both theologically sound and philosophically acceptable." -Michael L. Peterson, Ph. D. "Nash's book brings together for the general reader the intense and wide-ranging discussions now taking place among philosophers on the attributes of God. Without being simplistic, he admirably succeeds in making these discussions...
"The Concept of God is an excellent treatment of an increasingly critical issue in philosophical theology. With characteristic clarity and forthrig...
This world is a battlefield in the arena of ideas. The prize is the heart and mind of humankind. In this book, Ronald Nash outlines the Christian way of looking at God, self, and the world. He holds that worldview up against the tests of reason, logic, and experience, particularly discussing the problems of evil and the alleged "nonsense" of the historic Christian doctrines and of Jesus' incarnation and resurrection. He finds the Christian worldview sound and urges Christians to equip themselves intellectually to defend the faith on that battlefield. He particularly hits the attractions to...
This world is a battlefield in the arena of ideas. The prize is the heart and mind of humankind. In this book, Ronald Nash outlines the Christian way ...
"An illuminating book that throws down the gauntlet to those who would capture evangelical Christianity for leftist causes. A free market champion, Nash insists that socialism caricatures capitalism and disadvantages more than it helps the needy." ? Carl F. H. Henry
"An excellent presentation of the case for free enterprise ... a deadly indictment of socialism in all its forms ... should be read by all who are interested in the mission of the church as it relates to 'social' justice and especially by those who think the Bible calls for the redistribution of wealth as the epitome of true...
"An illuminating book that throws down the gauntlet to those who would capture evangelical Christianity for leftist causes. A free market champion, Na...
Did early Christianity borrow any of its essential beliefs and practices from pagan religions and philosophies? No, answers the author of this compelling apologetic for the uniqueness of Christian teaching. Part 1 investigates possible influences of Hellenistic philosophy; part 2, of pagan mystery religions; and part 3, of Gnosticism. First released in 1992, The Gospel and the Greeks has been retypeset.
Did early Christianity borrow any of its essential beliefs and practices from pagan religions and philosophies? No, answers the author of this compell...
Free Sample Chapter! Combining biblical insights and scholarly research in this hard-hitting economic treatise, James P. Gills and Ronald H. Nash expose current system
Free Sample Chapter! Combining biblical insights and scholarly research in this hard-hitting economic treatise, James P. Gills and Ronald H. Nash ...
What do the terms 'freedom' and 'justice' mean? What is the State? Is the existence of the State justified? What are the proper limits of the power of the State? What about the intervention of the State in economic matters that gives rise to the disputes between advocates of capitalism, socialism, and the welfare state? These are some of the broader questions addressed in this book.
What do the terms 'freedom' and 'justice' mean? What is the State? Is the existence of the State justified? What are the proper limits of the power of...