That emergency undertaking eventually evolved into one of the greatest humanitarian enterprises in history. It also brought Hoover into international prominence.Here Herbert Hoover moves toward Washington and center stage in his own country. Shortly after the United States's declaration of war, he entered into able service under Woodrow Wilson as a member of the President's War Cabinet and U.S. Food Administration. His goal was to standardize food production to control surging food prices, and to create surpluses of exportable foodstuffs for America's allies. "Food will win the war" became...
That emergency undertaking eventually evolved into one of the greatest humanitarian enterprises in history. It also brought Hoover into international ...
It has been said that Herbert Hoover was responsible for saving more lives than any other person in history. This phenomenal achievement, long obscured by the trauma of the Great Depression, is the focus of the second volume in George Nash's definitive life of Hoover, which has been hailed as "one of the great biographies in American political history" (Wall Street Journal).
It has been said that Herbert Hoover was responsible for saving more lives than any other person in history. This phenomenal achievement, long obsc...