High in the mountains, Zel lives with her mother, who insists they have all they need -- for they have each other. Zel's life is peaceful and protected -- until a chance encounter changes everything. When she meets a beautiful young prince at the market one day, she is profoundly moved by new emotions. But Zel's mother sees the future unfolding -- and she will do the unspeakable to prevent Zel from leaving her...-Will leave readers spellbound.--- Publishers Weekly, starred review
High in the mountains, Zel lives with her mother, who insists they have all they need -- for they have each other. Zel's life is peaceful and protecte...
When Roberto sneaks off to see a movie in his Italian village, he has no idea that life as he knows it is over. German soldiers raid the theater, round up the boys in the audience, and pack them onto a train. After a terrifying journey, Roberto and his best friend Samuele find themselves in a brutal work camp, where food is scarce and horror is everywhere. The boys vow to stay together no matter what. But Samuele has a dangerous secret, which, if discovered, could get them both killed. Lovers of historical fiction will be captivated by this tragic, triumphant, and deeply moving novel.
When Roberto sneaks off to see a movie in his Italian village, he has no idea that life as he knows it is over. German soldiers raid the theater, roun...
This work introduces general readers and scholars from other disciplines who wish to learn linguistic methodology to linguistic analysis of sentences and phrases within a Government and Binding framework. The issues discussed are nonetheless fundamental to all modern theories of syntax, and prepare readers to read articles written in a diversity of theories. Each chapter concludes with a brief summary of the picture of the theory developed thus far, and the multiple problem sets cover English, Japanese, and Romance languages. Comprehensive yet accessible, Syntax: Theory and Problems...
This work introduces general readers and scholars from other disciplines who wish to learn linguistic methodology to linguistic analysis of sentences ...
In 1592, Donata is a noble girl living in a palazzo on the Grand Canal. Girls of her class receive no education and rarely leave the palazzo. In a noble family, only one daughter and one son will be allowed to marry; Donata, like all younger daughters, will be sent to a convent. Donata longs to be tutored like her brothers and to see the Venice she has glimpsed only on the map. What is the world beyond her balcony, beyond what she sees when she glides, veiled, in a gondola down the canal? She dresses as a boy and escapes the palazzo on the Grand Canal to see the world before she is shut away,...
In 1592, Donata is a noble girl living in a palazzo on the Grand Canal. Girls of her class receive no education and rarely leave the palazzo. In a nob...
Napoli's study takes a refreshing look at the notions of argument and predicate. Recent discussions of predication with Government and Binding theory stress the configurational properties of the phrases involved, and Napoli argues that this has led to proposals for more and more elaborate syntactic structures that still fail to give genuinely explanatory accounts. She presents a convincing case for the idea of predicate as a semantic primitive that cannot be defined simply by looking at the lexicon or simply at semantic structure, and offers a theory of predication where the key to the...
Napoli's study takes a refreshing look at the notions of argument and predicate. Recent discussions of predication with Government and Binding theory ...
Donna Jo Napoli Doron Ben-Ami Lauren Klementz-Harte
Every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings. The Little Angel of Friendship is the most popular angel around. He's pretty sure it won't take much for him to earn a few more feathers and get his flying wings. But there's a tough task ahead of him. He has to help a girl named Patricia make new friends. There's nothing wrong with Patricia. It's just that she has a different way of talking than most children. Plus, she's just moved to a new town. The girl down the hall wants nothing to do with her -- she thinks Patricia is a baby. If Patricia doesn't speak up soon, there'll...
Every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings. The Little Angel of Friendship is the most popular angel around. He's pretty sure it won...
The Little Angel of Generosity loves giving gifts to his friends, especially when he gets a gift in return. And he loves helping children, as long as he earns another feather for his wings. He's still learning what giving is all about when he meets a little girl named Dinah who needs his help. Dinah likes to give gifts, too. And she really likes to get nice things for herself. But her family doesn't have a lot of money, and she wants things they can't afford -- sometimes she even wants those things badly enough to take what doesn't belong to her. It's up to the Little Angel of Generosity...
The Little Angel of Generosity loves giving gifts to his friends, especially when he gets a gift in return. And he loves helping children, as long as ...
Even angels have a hard time playing fair The Little Angel of Fairness wants to treat all of her friends the same way, but sometimes it isn't easy. She's trying hard to earn her wings, and she really wants to get the best Angel assignments. But is it fair if her friends are sometimes left behind? Jessica knows what it feels like to be left behind. She wants to hang out with her older brother, Hank. But sometimes Hank wants to do things that are for "boys only" -- like dressing up in a pirate costume for the big town parade. Jessica wants to dress up, too. And she knows she...
Even angels have a hard time playing fair The Little Angel of Fairness wants to treat all of her friends the same way, but sometimes it is...
The Little Angel of Understanding gets along with everyone -- except for the Little Angel of Learning. He uses big words, and the little angel doesn't always know what they mean. Will the Little Angel of Understanding be able to earn his wings if there are still some words he can't figure out? He'll have to help Maggie with her problem first. Maggie loves it when her grandmother comes for a visit. But this trip is different, because Gram isn't just visiting. She's going to move in with Maggie's family -- forever. Can the Little Angel of Understanding help Maggie make room for Gram?
The Little Angel of Understanding gets along with everyone -- except for the Little Angel of Learning. He uses big words, and the little angel doesn't...
Imagine being a little angel... The Little Angel of Imagination loves to do creative things, like paint pictures and make up stories. And he always comes up with creative ways to help other people. But it will take a lot more than just imagination to help Louie.... Louie's little brother always wants to make up silly games, like pretending the family dog is actually a racehorse. But Louie won't play along -- he thinks make-up games are for babies. Besides, he'd rather watch TV after school than play outside. Is there a cure for this couch potato? The Little Angel of...
Imagine being a little angel... The Little Angel of Imagination loves to do creative things, like paint pictures and make up storie...