Lolita (1955), Nabokov's single most famous work, is one of the most controversial and widely read books of its time. Funny, satiric, poignant, filled with allusions to earlier American writers, it is the "confession" of a middle-aged, sophisticated European emigre's passionate obsession with a 12-year-old American "nymphet", and the story of their wanderings across a late 1940s America of highways and motels. Pnin (1957) is a comic masterpiece about a gentle bald Russian emigre professor in an American college town who is never quite able to master its language, its politics, or its train...
Lolita (1955), Nabokov's single most famous work, is one of the most controversial and widely read books of its time. Funny, satiric, poignant, filled...
Lev Ganin is a young officer sharing a boarding house in Berlin with a host of Russian emigres. Alone in his room, he dreams of his first love, Mary. Awash with memories of youth and idyllic scenes of pre-Revolution Russia, Ganin becomes convinced that Mary is in fact the wife of a fellow-boarder, due to arrive at this very house soon. He longs for her arrival, when he can whisk her away and leave everything behind.
Lev Ganin is a young officer sharing a boarding house in Berlin with a host of Russian emigres. Alone in his room, he dreams of his first love, Mary. ...
Smurov, a fussily self-conscious Russian tutor, shoots himself after a humiliating beating by his mistress husband. Unsure whether his suicide has been successful or not, Smurov drifts around Berlin, observing his acquaintances, but finds he can discover very little about his own life from the opinions of his distracted fellow-emigres.
Smurov, a fussily self-conscious Russian tutor, shoots himself after a humiliating beating by his mistress husband. Unsure whether his suicide has bee...
Mit 'Gelächter im Dunkel' und 'Verzweiflung', den beiden Romanen dieses Bandes, geht Nabokovs erste russische Phase zu Ende. Sie entstanden, kurz bevor er erzählerisch ganz neu ansetzte: Gelächter im Dunkel 1931, Verzweiflung 1932. Beide spielen Ende der zwanziger Jahre in Berlin, aber nur der erste ganz unter Deutschen. Mit dem früheren Roman 'König Dame Bube' zusammen sind sie Nabokovs kinohafteste Werke, und beide wurden sie viel später tatsächlich verfilmt.
Mit 'Gelächter im Dunkel' und 'Verzweiflung', den beiden Romanen dieses Bandes, geht Nabokovs erste russische Phase zu Ende. Sie entstanden, kurz bev...
"Die Mutprobe" erinnert voller Melancholie an die russische Heimat Vladimir Nabokovs. Seine Hauptfigur Martin Edelwei ist ein wurzelloser Emigrant. Studium in Cambridge, langweilige Ferien in der Schweiz, eine Dreiecksgeschichte, in der er der unglckliche Dritte ist, Berlin und die in sich geschlossene Welt der russischen Emigranten - Stationen eines jungen Heimatlosen, den Nabokov auf der Suche nach einem Lebenssinn mit Sympathie und liebevoller Ironie durch ein gefhrdetes Europa zwischen den Kriegen treiben lt. "Ein Meisterwerk" (FAZ)
"Die Mutprobe" erinnert voller Melancholie an die russische Heimat Vladimir Nabokovs. Seine Hauptfigur Martin Edelwei ist ein wurzelloser Emigrant. St...