1. OUTLINE German has the three main perfect constructions which are illustrated in (1. 1). 1 In each of these constructions, the verb appears in the past participial form and is combined with an auxiliary - in this case, haben ('have'); other verbs form their perfect constructions with the auxiliary sein ('be'). 2 The auxiliary can then be com- bined with a tense -Le. the present tense as in (Ua), the past tense as in (b), or the future tense as in (c). 3 (1. 1) a. PRESENT PERFECT: Die Eule hat die Schule verlassen. the owl has the school left b. PAST PERFECT: Die Eule hatte die Schule...
1. OUTLINE German has the three main perfect constructions which are illustrated in (1. 1). 1 In each of these constructions, the verb appears in the ...
1. OUTLINE German has the three main perfect constructions which are illustrated in (1. 1). 1 In each of these constructions, the verb appears in the past participial form and is combined with an auxiliary - in this case, haben ('have'); other verbs form their perfect constructions with the auxiliary sein ('be'). 2 The auxiliary can then be com- bined with a tense -Le. the present tense as in (Ua), the past tense as in (b), or the future tense as in (c). 3 (1. 1) a. PRESENT PERFECT: Die Eule hat die Schule verlassen. the owl has the school left b. PAST PERFECT: Die Eule hatte die Schule...
1. OUTLINE German has the three main perfect constructions which are illustrated in (1. 1). 1 In each of these constructions, the verb appears in the ...
Die Gestalt eines Satzes hängt zu einem wesentlichen Teil davon ab, wie er in den weiteren Redezusammenhang eingepasst ist. Das schlägt sich beispielsweise in der Wahl der Wortstellung, der Intonation oder auch bei der Wahl bestimmter lexikalischer Mittel nieder. Diese Mittel bilden die Informationsstruktur des Satzes. Die Themen, die in diesem Buch behandelt werden, sind in vielen Bereichen der Sprachwissenschaft nützlich: Insbesondere helfen sie dabei, beispielsweise stilistische Feinheiten in Texten aufzudecken, Besonderheiten der gesprochenen Sprache zu verstehen oder gewisse Aspekte...
Die Gestalt eines Satzes hängt zu einem wesentlichen Teil davon ab, wie er in den weiteren Redezusammenhang eingepasst ist. Das schlägt sich beispie...
The book reports on the present state of the theoretical presentation, empirical investigation, psycholinguistic aspects and acquisition of information structure, and computation. It also provides descriptions of the information structural encoding strategies of individual languages of different types. The book can be used as a textbook appropriate for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses.
The book reports on the present state of the theoretical presentation, empirical investigation, psycholinguistic aspects and acquisition of informa...