Willa Cather's My Antonia is considered one of the most significant American novels of the twentieth century. Set during the great migration west to settle the plains of the North American continent, the narrative follows Antonia Shimerda, a pioneer who comes to Nebraska as a child and grows with the country, inspiring a childhood friend, Jim Burden, to write her life story. The novel is important both for its literary aesthetic and as a portrayal of important aspects of American social ideals and history, particularly the centrality of migration to American culture.
For more than...
Willa Cather's My Antonia is considered one of the most significant American novels of the twentieth century. Set during the great migration we...
This study guide accompanies Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets, describing all the concepts in the book and their appplications. It shows how to apply the principal of technical analysis to all markets.
This study guide accompanies Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets, describing all the concepts in the book and their appplications. It shows ho...
John J. Murphy has updated his landmark bestseller Technical Analysis of the Futures Markets, to include all of the financial markets.
This outstanding reference has already taught thousands of traders the concepts of technical analysis and their application in the futures and stock markets. Covering the latest developments in computer technology, technical tools, and indicators, the second edition features new material on candlestick charting, intermarket relationships, stocks and stock rotation, plus state-of-the-art examples and figures. From how to read charts to understanding...
John J. Murphy has updated his landmark bestseller Technical Analysis of the Futures Markets, to include all of the financial markets.
Edith Lewis met Willa Cather in 1903 and remained her close friend and traveling companion until Cather's death in 1947. In this straightforward and affectionate biography Lewis illuminates the human side of the great American novelist. John J. Murphy, a professor of English at Brigham Young University, is the author of My Antonia: The Road Home and the editor of Literature and Belief.
Edith Lewis met Willa Cather in 1903 and remained her close friend and traveling companion until Cather's death in 1947. In this straightforward and a...
John Murphy bringt Ordnung ins weite Feld der Technischen Analyse. Er kann mit einer Flle von Informationen aufwarten und bietet Ihnen handfestes Wissen, wie Sie mit der Technischen Analyse Ihr Geld noch besser anlegen knnen.Neue Charttechniken werden dabei direkt auf eine Vielzahl von Finanzinstrumenten angewendet. In diesem umfangreichen und ambitionierten Werk sind sogar die schnelllebigen Online-Trading-Mrkte bercksichtigt. Murphy bezieht selbst die Bereiche Risikomanagement und Brsenpsychologie in seinen Ansatz mit ein.
John Murphy bringt Ordnung ins weite Feld der Technischen Analyse. Er kann mit einer Flle von Informationen aufwarten und bietet Ihnen handfestes Wiss...
Willa Cather at the Modernist Crux examines Willa Cather's position in time, in aesthetics, and in the world. Born a Victorian in 1873, Cather made herself a modernist through the poems, stories, and novels she wrote and published into the twentieth century. Beginning with a prologue locating Cather's position, this volume of Cather Studies offers three sets of related essays.
The first section takes up Cather's beginnings with her late nineteenth-century cultural influences. The second section explores a range of discernible direct connections with contemporary artists...
Willa Cather at the Modernist Crux examines Willa Cather's position in time, in aesthetics, and in the world. Born a Victorian in 1873, Cather ...
Dass die internationalen Märkte in einem engen Zusammenhang stehen, ist spätestens seit der Globalisierungsdebatte weltweit bekannt. Doch auch die einzelnen Finanzmärkte sind in einem engen Geflecht miteinander verbunden. Die neue Analysemethode der Intermarket-Analyse beschäftigt sich mit der Entwirrung dieses Geflechts und versucht, wiederkehrende Muster zu erkennen, die der Interpretation der internationalen Märkte dienen sollen. John Murphy zeigt die Muster der letzten 24 Jahre auf, Muster, die nicht nur Währungen oder Rohstoffe, sondern ganze Volkswirtschaften betreffen, wie z. B....
Dass die internationalen Märkte in einem engen Zusammenhang stehen, ist spätestens seit der Globalisierungsdebatte weltweit bekannt. Doch auch die e...