Helvetica is a sans-serif typeface. It is simple and clean, and commonly seen in advertising, signage, and literature. The R has a curved leg, and the i and j have square dots. The Q has a straight angled tail, and the counterforms inside the O, Q, and C are oval. It is an all-purpose type design that can deliver practically any message clearly and efficiently. It is one of the most popular typefaces of all time. Helvetica: Homage to a Typeface presents 400 examples of Helvetica in action, selected from two diametrically opposed worlds. Superb applications by renowned designers are juxtaposed...
Helvetica is a sans-serif typeface. It is simple and clean, and commonly seen in advertising, signage, and literature. The R has a curved leg, and the...
Neben der Preispolitik gehort die Sortimentspolitik heutzutage zu den dominierenden Instrumenten des Handelsmarketings. Der Einfluss der Sortimentspolitik auf den Unternehmenserfolg liegt darin begrundet, dass das Sortiment einerseits mageblich das akquisitorische Potenzial des Handelsbetriebs bestimmt. Andererseits verursacht es aber auch nicht unerhebliche Kosten. Lars Muller zeigt in einer kritischen Analyse die Chancen und Risiken, die fur Unternehmungen im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel mit einer groen Sortimentsbreite bestehen, auf und diskutiert diese.
Neben der Preispolitik gehort die Sortimentspolitik heutzutage zu den dominierenden Instrumenten des Handelsmarketings. Der Einfluss der Sortimentspol...
Neue Grafik, the -International Review of graphic design and related subjects, - was initiated by designer Josef Muller-Brockmann and published in eighteen issues between 1958 and 1965 by an editorial collective consisting of him, Richard Paul Lohse, Hans Neuburg und Carlo Vivarelli ( LMNV ). The complete volumes are now available in an excellent facsimile reprint from Lars Muller Publishers. From a historical point of view, Neue Grafik can be seen as a programmatic platform and effective publishing organ of Swiss graphic design, an international authority in its field at the time....
Neue Grafik, the -International Review of graphic design and related subjects, - was initiated by designer Josef Muller-Brockmann and published in eig...