Can Christians act like Christians even when they disagree? In these wild and diverse times, right and left battle over the airwaves, prolifers square off against prochoicers, gay liberationists confront champions of the traditional family, artists and legislators tangle, even Christians fight other Christians whose doctrines aren't "just so." Richard Mouw has been actively forging a model of Christian civil conversation with those we might disagree with atheists, Muslims, gay activists and more. He is concerned that, too often, Christians have contributed more to the problem than to the...
Can Christians act like Christians even when they disagree? In these wild and diverse times, right and left battle over the airwaves, prolifers square...
Richard J. Mouw is well known for his incisive views on the intersection of culture and Christianity and for his efforts to make the thought of major Dutch theologian Abraham Kuyper accessible to average Christians. In this volume Mouw provides the scholarly -backstory- to his popular books as he interprets, applies, expands on -- and at times even corrects -- Kuyper's remarkable vision for faith and public life. In thirteen essays Mouw explores and develops the Kuyperian perspective on key topics in Christian cultural discipleship, including public theology, sphere sovereignty,...
Richard J. Mouw is well known for his incisive views on the intersection of culture and Christianity and for his efforts to make the thought of major ...
-I wasn't supposed to spend my life in the world of scholarship, - Richard Mouw acknowledges at the beginning of Called to the Life of the Mind. Yet he has indeed spent his career in the academy -- and has become one of the most widely respected evangelical Christian scholars of our time. In this wise little book Mouw defends Christian scholarship as an important and legitimate endeavor, responding in particular to those traditions that continue to be suspicious of intellectual pursuits. Writing in an inviting, conversational style, Mouw reflects candidly on the faithful Christian...
-I wasn't supposed to spend my life in the world of scholarship, - Richard Mouw acknowledges at the beginning of Called to the Life of the Mind.
It wouldn't be Christmas without Christmas carols. Virtually every Christian--and many non-Christians--would agree. The songs of Christmas can be heard from all kinds of media and all across the world in many languages. Christmas has become the biggest holiday in the United States and in virtually every land where Christianity has a significant influence. But what does it all mean? What is the enduring message of these Christmas carols? Why do they awaken the mind, move the heart, and inspire the Christlike behavior proclaimed by Jesus, born in Bethlehem? 28 Carols to Sing at Christmas...
It wouldn't be Christmas without Christmas carols. Virtually every Christian--and many non-Christians--would agree. The songs of Christmas can be hear...
Examining Protestant, and especially Calvinist, emphases on divine command, Mouw argues that a divine command perspective need not be viewed as antithetical to the claims made by recent defenders of "narrativist" ethics. He explores the ways in which differing intratrinitarian emphases influence Christian moral experience, and he argues that a strong God-the-Father emphasis needs to be supplemented by perspectives that attend more to divine "nearness," as in contemporary feminism and Pentecostalism. He concludes with some reflections on the way in which a divine command ethical perspective...
Examining Protestant, and especially Calvinist, emphases on divine command, Mouw argues that a divine command perspective need not be viewed as antith...