Within the higher education sector, financial issues are seen as of increasing importance to the extent that virtually everyone in the sector requires some financial knowledge. At the same time the issues can be very varied and complex, ranging from the strategic allocation of resources at the national level down to the detailed financial management of activities at higher education departmental level. This book aims to explain the key issues in finance and management in higher education. It is a professional guide that is authoritative and comprehensive enough for professional...
Within the higher education sector, financial issues are seen as of increasing importance to the extent that virtually everyone in the sector requires...
Off Limits is a work of literary social commentary written as a modern romance. It's as provocative intellectually as it is sensually. A high heat, professor-student romance with its characters struggling against today's American university sexual politics, it unabashedly explores the ethics, motivations and consequences of modern day anti-fraternization policies, of issues of consent, of the social status of women and of modern feminism. It is set in 2014 in a small southern university and holds a firm footing in reality-no larger than life alphas, no extraordinary events, no ridiculously...
Off Limits is a work of literary social commentary written as a modern romance. It's as provocative intellectually as it is sensually. A high heat, pr...