In this groundbreaking volume, Fred Moramarco and Al Zolynas bring together a comprehensive and widely representative selection of poetry reflecting both the diversity and commodity of male experience in the United States today.
Since the beginning of the contemporary phase of the women's movement in the 1960s, various anthologies devoted to the poetry of women have articulated and defined a distinctive sensibility attuned to the particularities of a woman's life in our time. Although much has been written recently about the male role in our society as well, the discussion generally has...
In this groundbreaking volume, Fred Moramarco and Al Zolynas bring together a comprehensive and widely representative selection of poetry reflectin...
Alive with the wisdom, artistry, and emotion of more than 250 poets from nearly one hundred countries, this anthology celebrates the multifaceted experience of contemporary manhood. The lives into which these poems invite us reveal the influences of culture, heredity, personal experience, values, beliefs, wishes, desires, loves, and betrayals. Men are notoriously reluctant to open up and discuss these things; and yet when they do--as in these poems--they tell us about their families, lovers, relationships, political and religious beliefs, sexuality, and childhoods. There is much to learn...
Alive with the wisdom, artistry, and emotion of more than 250 poets from nearly one hundred countries, this anthology celebrates the multifaceted e...