Lucy Maud Montgomery's classic children's novel tells the tale of Anne Shirley, a red-headed orphan mistakenly fostered on Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert, two middle aged siblings who run a small farm on Canada's Prince Edward Island. The Cuthberts had 'ordered' an orphan boy to help in the fields, but Anne's talkative nature, her romantic nature and irrepressible optimism gradually charm the staid old couple. She is allowed to stay and is soon popular with her schoolmates, especially her bosom friend Diana, and the handsome and annoying Gilbert Blythe, whom Anne refuses to speak to after he...
Lucy Maud Montgomery's classic children's novel tells the tale of Anne Shirley, a red-headed orphan mistakenly fostered on Matthew and Marilla Cuthber...
Anne Shirley is unforgettable, and this beautifully packaged edition of L.M. Montgomery's classic novel is as memorable as its heroine. When Anne Shirley arrives at Green Gables, she surprises everyone: first of all, she's a girl, even though Marilla Cuthbert and her brother Matthew specifically asked for an orphan boy to help around the farm. And second of all, she's not just any girl: she has bright red hair, a wild imagination, and can talk a mile a minute. But she also has a sweet disposition and quick wit, and Anne (with an "e" of course--it's so much more distinguished ) soon...
Anne Shirley is unforgettable, and this beautifully packaged edition of L.M. Montgomery's classic novel is as memorable as its heroine. When Anne ...
Anne Shirley is unforgettable, and this beautifully packaged edition of L.M. Montgomery's classic novel is as memorable as its heroine. When Anne Shirley arrives at Green Gables, she surprises everyone: first of all, she's a girl, even though Marilla Cuthbert and her brother Matthew specifically asked for an orphan boy to help around the farm. And second of all, she's not just any girl: she has bright red hair, a wild imagination, and can talk a mile a minute. But she also has a sweet disposition and quick wit, and Anne (with an "e" of course--it's so much more distinguished ) soon...
Anne Shirley is unforgettable, and this beautifully packaged edition of L.M. Montgomery's classic novel is as memorable as its heroine. When Anne ...
The inimitable Anne Shirley makes her mark on Avonlea in this artfully packaged edition of the sequel to Anne of Green Gables. Five years after Anne Shirley came to the town of Avonlea, she feels (a little) more grown up, but she's still the same skinny, red-headed orphan Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert took in. After putting her dream of attending Redmond College on hold so she can help Marilla with the farm, Anne doubts she has many adventures ahead of her. But even in plain old Avonlea, her life proves to be anything but ordinary. This sequel to Anne of Green Gables...
The inimitable Anne Shirley makes her mark on Avonlea in this artfully packaged edition of the sequel to Anne of Green Gables. Five years a...
This novel is a best selling novel by Canadian author Lucy Maud Montgomery. Written as fiction for readers of all ages, since the mid-twentieth century. It recounts the adventures of Anne Shirley, a young orphan girl sent to a middle-aged brother and sister who have a farm on Prince Edward Island, and who had intended to adopt a boy to help them. The novel recounts how Anne makes her way with the Cuthberts, in school and the town.When Anne Shirley arrives at Green Gables, with the abundance of apple blossoms and fields of buttercups, she hopes it's a place she can call home. It's everything...
This novel is a best selling novel by Canadian author Lucy Maud Montgomery. Written as fiction for readers of all ages, since the mid-twentieth centur...
"The books I read most as a child were Lucy Maud Montgomery." -Madeleine L'Engle
An unforgettable character beloved by generations of readers
Redheaded orphan Anne Shirley longs for a real home, somewhere she can truly belong. When she first arrives at the Green Gables house on Prince Edward Island, it's everything she ever imagined. But to stay, she'll first have to convince Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert to adopt her. And that means controlling her temper (even when Gilbert Blythe calls her "Carrots"), staying out of trouble (and away from hair dye), and not...
"The books I read most as a child were Lucy Maud Montgomery." -Madeleine L'Engle
An unforgettable character beloved by generations of...
At sixteen, Anne is both exhilarated and slightly terrified to be teaching at the Avonlea schoolhouse. But she's determined to win the heart of every student--especially troublemaker Anthony Pye. After all, she still knows a thing or two about troublemaking herself...
With rambunctious six-year-old twins staying at Green Gables, a village "improvement" project that goes disastrously wrong, and her college entrance exams to study for, Anne will more than have her hands full. At least her best friend Diana and...
A "kindred spirit" of readers around the world
At sixteen, Anne is both exhilarated and slightly terrified to be teaching a...
Leaving home for college is never easy. Yet being on her own and making new friends is more exciting than Anne Shirley every dreamed possible. Not only does she sell her first story, but she also gets a marriage proposal--from the last person she expects. There's never a dull moment when she moves into a cozy cottage with her girlfriends, gets adopted by a troublemaker of a cat, and helps her best friend Diana plan the most beautiful wedding Prince Edward Island has ever seen.
Just like Anne's friend Philippa...
One of the most loved characters of all time
Leaving home for college is never easy. Yet being on her own and making new fr...
For Anne Shirley, those dreams are about to come true as she marries her one true love, Gilbert Blythe, in the dappled sunshine of the old orchard at Green Gables. Soon the two will be moving to their own little dream house on the misty shores of Four Winds Harbor. And a new home means new neighbors--including the adventurous lighthouse keeper Captain Jim and the tragically beautiful Leslie Moore. In their first years together, Anne and Gil will experience both heartbreak and joy, and, of course, plenty of "scope for...
Every girl dreams of her perfect wedding day...
For Anne Shirley, those dreams are about to come true as she marries her on...
Anne Shirley has a tendency to stir up controversy wherever she goes. And her new position as principal of Summerside High School is no exception. The Pringles, the ruling family in town, want one of their own in the job, and they've made it their mission to drive Annie out.
As Anne settles into her tower room at Windy Poplars with the widows Aunt Kate and Aunt Chatty, she finds she has more allies than she knows. And letters from her dear Gilbert Blythe help her remember that with a little bit of imagination,...
Loved by generations of readers around the world
Anne Shirley has a tendency to stir up controversy wherever she goes. And h...