Widely regarded as the greatest of Montaigne's essays, this is an empassioned defence of Sebond's 15th century treatise on natural theology. He searches for the true meaning of faith while criticising the tendency of mankind to create God in their own image.
Widely regarded as the greatest of Montaigne's essays, this is an empassioned defence of Sebond's 15th century treatise on natural theology. He search...
This new translation of Montaigne's immortal Essays received great acclaim when it was first published in The Complete Works of Montaigne in the 1957 edition. The New York Times said, "It is a matter for rejoicing that we now have available a new translation that offers definite advantages over even the best of its predecessors," and The New Republic stated that this edition gives "a more adequate idea of Montaigne's manner, his straight and unpretentious style, than any of the half-dozen previous English translations."
In his Essays Montaigne...
This new translation of Montaigne's immortal Essays received great acclaim when it was first published in The Complete Works of Montaigne...
This new translation of Montaigne's immortal Essays received great acclaim when it was first published in The Complete Works of Montaigne in the 1957 edition. The New York Times said, "It is a matter for rejoicing that we now have available a new translation that offers definite advantages over even the best of its predecessors," and The New Republic stated that this edition gives "a more adequate idea of Montaigne's manner, his straight and unpretentious style, than any of the half-dozen previous English translations."
In his Essays Montaigne...
This new translation of Montaigne's immortal Essays received great acclaim when it was first published in The Complete Works of Montaigne...
Humanist, skeptic, acute observer of himself and others, Michel de Montaigne (1533--92) was the first to use the term "essay" to refer to the form he pioneered, and he has remained one of its most famous practitioners. He reflected on the great themes of existence in his wise and engaging writings, his subjects ranging from proper conversation and good reading, to the raising of children and the endurance of pain, from solitude, destiny, time, and custom, to truth, consciousness, and death. Having stood the test of time, his essays continue to influence writers nearly five hundred...
Humanist, skeptic, acute observer of himself and others, Michel de Montaigne (1533--92) was the first to use the term "essay" to refer to t...
Under the pretense of defending an obscure treatise by a Catalan theologian, Sebond, Montaigne attacks the philosophers who attempt rational explanations of the universe and argues for a skeptical Christianity based squarely on faith rather than reason. The result is the "Apology for Raymond Sebond," a classic of Counter-Reformation thought and a masterpiece of Renaissance literature.
This new translation by Roger Ariew and Marjorie Grene achieves both accuracy and fluency, conveying at once the nuances of Montaigne s arguments and his distinctive literary style."
Under the pretense of defending an obscure treatise by a Catalan theologian, Sebond, Montaigne attacks the philosophers who attempt rational explan...
For the true bibliophile and design-savvy book lover, here is the next set of Penguin's celebrated Great Ideas series by some of history's most innovative thinkers. Acclaimed for their striking and elegant package, each volume features a unique type-driven design that highlights the bookmaker's art. Offering great literature and great design at great prices, this series is ideal for readers who want to explore and savor the Great Ideas that have shaped our world.
For the true bibliophile and design-savvy book lover, here is the next set of Penguin's celebrated Great Ideas series by some of history's most inn...
Michel de Montaignes berühmte "Essais" behandeln eine fast unüberschaubare Vielfalt von Themen. Liebe und Freundschaft, Lachen und Weinen, das Nichtstun, die Trunksucht, das Sterben: Bunt gemischt und in leicht verständlicher Sprache steht Allgemeines neben Privatem, Literatur neben Philosophie, Kurioses neben Alltäglichem. Montaignes fragende Haltung, seine Klugheit und Weitsicht, haben diese vor über 400 Jahren verfassten "Versuche" bis heute lebendig gehalten.
Michel de Montaignes berühmte "Essais" behandeln eine fast unüberschaubare Vielfalt von Themen. Liebe und Freundschaft, Lachen und Weinen, das Nicht...
Montaignes Essai Die Kunst, sich im Gespräch zu verständigen (De l art de conferer) ist Ausdruck seiner Skepsis gegen Dogmatismus und Fundamentalismus. Es geht im Gespräch nicht um Rechthaberei, missionarischen Anspruch und possessive Belehrung, sondern um Verständigung, auch wenn man anderer Meinung bleibt. Die neue Übersetzung von Helmut Knufmann vermittelt gut Montaignes heitere Gelöstheit, die uns heute noch anspricht.
Montaignes Essai Die Kunst, sich im Gespräch zu verständigen (De l art de conferer) ist Ausdruck seiner Skepsis gegen Dogmatismus und Fundamentalism...