Pierport Mary Ella Mascia Pierpont James H. Moller
Over the past 25 years, the growing impor cardiovascular. We hope that by having this tance of genetic factors in the basic understand compilation of cardiovascular diseases in one ing of human cardiovascular disease has become source, it will be of value to all who are involved apparent. Prior to this time, there was an era in the care of patients with cardiovascular dis when cardiovascular disease was first viewed at ease or their families. the diagnostic level followed by an era when The first six chapters of this book delineate cardiovascular disease was viewed at a treatment conditions...
Over the past 25 years, the growing impor cardiovascular. We hope that by having this tance of genetic factors in the basic understand compilation of ...
Julien I. E. Hoffman James H. Moller Julian I. E. Hoffman
The first edition of this text, edited by two of the world's most respected pediatric cardiologists, set the standard for a single-volume, clinically focused textbook on this subject. This new edition, revised and updated by contributors representing today's global thought leaders, offers increased coverage of the most important current topics, such as pediatric electrophysiology, congenital heart disease, cardiovascular genetics/genomics, and the identification and management of risk factors in children, while maintaining the clinical focus. Published with a companion website that features...
The first edition of this text, edited by two of the world's most respected pediatric cardiologists, set the standard for a single-volume, clinically ...