Starting from an ancient burial site, John Mitchell and friends began a 15-mile hike to the tomb of Henry David Thoreau. They sauntered through the landscape where our literature and history began--the woods favored by the Transcendentalists. On each mile, they explore not only the landscape before them but also certain timeless themes.
Starting from an ancient burial site, John Mitchell and friends began a 15-mile hike to the tomb of Henry David Thoreau. They sauntered through the la...
James Archibald Mitchell John Hanson Mitchell Hugh Powers Mitchell
1915 to 1918 was a tumultuous period of Chinese history. In 1912, the 250-year-old Qing dynasty had been overthrown and powerful generals and political leaders were vying for power. Warlords and rebel armies were ranging the countryside; there was no effective central government, and foreign businessmen and missionaries were walled in well-defended compounds.
In the midst of this chaos, a twenty-four-year-old college graduate named James Archibald Mitchell, landed in Shanghai to teach English at St John's University, the so-called Harvard of the East.
Mitchell was an avid...
1915 to 1918 was a tumultuous period of Chinese history. In 1912, the 250-year-old Qing dynasty had been overthrown and powerful generals and polit...