Composite materials are increasingly used in aerospace, underwater, and automotive structures. They provide unique advantages over their metallic counterparts, but also create complex challenges to analysts and designers. Practical Analysis of Composite Laminates presents a summary of the equations governing composite laminates and provides practical methods for analyzing most common types of composite structural elements. Experimental results for several types of structures are included, and theoretical and experimental correlations are discussed. The last chapter is devoted to practical...
Composite materials are increasingly used in aerospace, underwater, and automotive structures. They provide unique advantages over their metallic coun...
Composite materials have been used more and more during the last decade to lighten structures. But until now, there has been no clear way of establishing how to design properly optimised laminated composite plates with no reduction in strength. Most modern references lack adequate information for the designer wanting to tailor or synthesise a design. This exciting package offers a solution. It relates the theory of composite materials to real life and provides 'rules' for designing composites structures properly and in an optimum way. In the book, Professor Miravete demonstrates the...
Composite materials have been used more and more during the last decade to lighten structures. But until now, there has been no clear way of establish...