..". methodologically innovative... precise and perceptive and conscious... " --Text and Performance Quarterly
"Woman, Native, Other is located at the juncture of a number of different fields and disciplines, and it genuinely succeeds in pushing the boundaries of these disciplines further. It is one of the very few theoretical attempts to grapple with the writings of women of color." --Chandra Talpade Mohanty
"The idea of Trinh T. Minh-ha is as powerful as her films... formidable... " --Village Voice
..". its very forms invite the reader to participate in the effort to...
..". methodologically innovative... precise and perceptive and conscious... " --Text and Performance Quarterly
Images by Felix Gonzales-TorresOut There addresses the question of cultural marginalization - the process through which various groups are excluded from access to and participation in the dominant culture. It is a wide-ranging anthology that juxtaposes diverse points of view on issues of gender, race, sexual preference, and class. It takes up the fundamental issues raised when we attempt to define concepts such as "mainstream" and "minority," and it opens up new ways of thinking about culture and representation in our society.
Images by Felix Gonzales-TorresOut There addresses the question of cultural marginalization - the process through which various groups are excluded...
In this new collection of her provocative essays on Third World art and culture, Trinh Minh-ha offers new challenges to Western regimes of knowledge. Bringing to her subjects an acute sense of the many meanings of the marginal, she examines topics such as Asian and African texts, the theories of Barthes, questions of spectatorship, the enigmas of art, and the perils of anthropology. When the Moon Waxes Red is an extended argument against reductive analyses, even those that appear politically adroit. The multiply-hyphenated peoples of color are...
In this new collection of her provocative essays on Third World art and culture, Trinh Minh-ha offers new challenges to Western regimes of knowledge. ...
Framer Framed brings together for the first time the scripts and detailed visuals of three of Trinh Minh-ha's provocative films: Reassemblage, Naked Spaces--Living isRound, and Surname Viet Given Name Nam.
Framer Framed brings together for the first time the scripts and detailed visuals of three of Trinh Minh-ha's provocative films: Reassemb...
"An image is powerful not necessarily because of anythingspecific it offers the viewer, but because of everythingit apparently also takes away from the viewer." --Trinh T. Minh-ha Vietnamese filmmaker and feminist thinker Trinh T. Minh-ha is one of the most powerful and articulate voices in independent filmmaking. In her writings and interviews, as well as in her filmscripts, Trinh explores what she describes as the "infinite relation" of word to image. Cinema-Interval brings together her recent conversations on film and art, life and...
"An image is powerful not necessarily because of anythingspecific it offers the viewer, but because of everythingit apparen...
Filmaker and feminist thinker Trinh T. Minh-ha is a powerful and articulate voice in independent filmmaking. In her writings and interviews, as well as in her filmscripts, Trinh explores what she describes as the infinite relation of word to image. This book brings together her recent conversations on film and art, music and language, life and theory, with Homi Bhabha, Deb Verhoeven, Annamaria Morelli and other critics. Together these interviews offer a presentation of this artist's ideas and visions. Extensively illustrated in colour and black and white, this text covers a range of issues,...
Filmaker and feminist thinker Trinh T. Minh-ha is a powerful and articulate voice in independent filmmaking. In her writings and interviews, as well a...
Trinh T. Minh-Ha Minh-Ha Trinh T Minh-Ha T. Minh-Ha
Trinh Minh-ha explores the way technology transforms our perception of reality. With her signature amalgam of feminism, Eastern Philosophy, and practical understanding of filmmaking, she presents a much-needed advance in our concept of the real in a technological age.
Trinh Minh-ha explores the way technology transforms our perception of reality. With her signature amalgam of feminism, Eastern Philosophy, and practi...
Trinh T. Minh-Ha Minh-Ha Trinh T Minh-Ha T. Minh-Ha
Endless travel in cyberspace, virtual reality, and the dream of limitless speed: technology changes our sense of self. In her new book, Trinh Minh-ha explores the way technology transforms our perception of reality.
"We are all engaged in social rituals in our daily activities, she writes, "and by remaining unaware of their artistic ritual propensity, we remain 'in conformity'." Her goal, as a thinker and an artist, is to transform our understanding of technology and speed so that we are able to "turn an instrument into a creative tool and to step out of the one-dimensional,...
Endless travel in cyberspace, virtual reality, and the dream of limitless speed: technology changes our sense of self. In her new book, Trinh Minh-ha ...