This introduction to process-oriented meditation is a fresh approach to the new body of philosophy and technique that unites the foundations of Western psychotherapy and Eastern meditative traditions in a single holistic system.
This introduction to process-oriented meditation is a fresh approach to the new body of philosophy and technique that unites the foundations of Wester...
Drawing on a large number of case studies, practical applications of the Dreambody theory are described, instructing how to unfold symptoms and other somatic phenomena to reveal the dreamlike and mythical experiences that we usually discount in everyday life. These symptoms may not be merely sickness in need of treatment, but guides to meaning and fulfillment.
Drawing on a large number of case studies, practical applications of the Dreambody theory are described, instructing how to unfold symptoms and other ...
Einstein said, "I want to know the mind of God, the rest are details." This book is therapist Arnold Mindell's response. By processmind he means an earth-based experience of the universal state of consciousness that, he argues, pervades all reality. It is perhaps our most basic, least known, and greatest power, combining the nonlocality of modern physics with altered states of consciousness found in peak experiences. What makes this book unique is that it offers some experience of this mind-state to the reader. Mindell does so by connecting cosmic patterns seen in physics with experiences...
Einstein said, "I want to know the mind of God, the rest are details." This book is therapist Arnold Mindell's response. By processmind he means an ea...
From the author of Dreambody - a pioneering method of using crisis as a dynamic opportunity for accessing our inner world, confronting our fears, and catalyzing self-discovery.
From the author of Dreambody - a pioneering method of using crisis as a dynamic opportunity for accessing our inner world, confronting our fears, a...
Dreaming is the basis of human consciousness. We do it all day, every day. Subtle signs of particular meaning that we tend to miss, ignore or misinterpret during waking hours become the seeds of our night dreams. Dr Mindell asserts that in order to utilise the power of dreaming, we must notice these subtle clues before they unfold and become differentiated into the ideas and emotions that occur in night dreams. He provides powerful dreaming applications for body work, chronic symptom work and relationship therapies.
Dreaming is the basis of human consciousness. We do it all day, every day. Subtle signs of particular meaning that we tend to miss, ignore or misinter...
Arnold Mindell describes "The Leader as Martial Artist" in his new 2014 preface: "Here you will find my first introduction to Deep Democracy, as the core of organizational process. Here is where you will find a basic and today, still completely relevant application of field theory, how it connects with Taoism, and "time spirits." The stress upon awareness in the midst of psychological and political turbulence is timeless .
Arnold Mindell describes "The Leader as Martial Artist" in his new 2014 preface: "Here you will find my first introduction to Deep Democracy, as the c...
La evolucion de conflicto a comunidad a traves de la democracia profunda A mucha gente nos aterroriza el conflicto, dice el Dr. Arnold Mindell, reconocido internacionalmente por su innovadora sintesis entre trabajo Junguiano, suenos y trabajo corporal y autor de quince libros. Pero no debe asustarnos. Su mayor pasion es crear grupos y organizaciones donde todas las personas deseen entrar en sus procesos grupales en vez de temerlos. El le llama la democracia profunda de los foros abiertos, donde todas las voces, pensamientos y sentimientos se exponen libremente, especialmente los que nadie...
La evolucion de conflicto a comunidad a traves de la democracia profunda A mucha gente nos aterroriza el conflicto, dice el Dr. Arnold Mindell, recono...
Quantengeist und Heilung ist Arnold Mindells neues Modell der Medizin, das auf den atemberaubenden Erkenntnissen der Pioniere der Quantenphysik beruht, welche die Landschaft unseres Glaubenssystems beinahe tglich neu gestalten. Mindell, der dort weitermacht, wo C. G. Jung aufhrte, hat sich als fhrender Experte im Gebrauch von Konzepten aus der Quantenphysik zur Heilung von Geist und Psyche erwiesen. Das Buch geht weit ber die Theorie hinaus und stellt einfache Techniken, bungsanleitungen und przise Erklrungen wesentlicher Konzepte zur Verfgung, die es jedem Einzelnen ermglichen, die Wurzeln...
Quantengeist und Heilung ist Arnold Mindells neues Modell der Medizin, das auf den atemberaubenden Erkenntnissen der Pioniere der Quantenphysik beruht...
Arnold Mindell, Ph.D., shows how working with power, rank, revenge and abuse helps build sustainable communities. Mindell is the co-founder of processwork and author of numerous books, including Quantum Mind, The Deep Democracy of Open Forums and The Leader as Martial Artist. He has appeared on national radio and television and works internationally with multi-racial and highly conflicted groups.
Arnold Mindell, Ph.D., shows how working with power, rank, revenge and abuse helps build sustainable communities. Mindell is the co-founder of process...