Sergei was three when the soldiers took him. At fifteen he fled into the wilderness, with nothing to cling to but the memories of a grandfather who called him Socrates and the promise of a gift buried near St. Petersburg. Thus begins The Journeys of Socrates -- an odyssey that forged the character of Sergei Ivanov, whose story would one day change the lives of millions of readers worldwide. This saga of courage and faith, of love and loss, reveals the arts of war and the path to peace. Ultimately, it speaks to the quest we all share for a meaningful...
The Way Begins . . .
Sergei was three when the soldiers took him. At fifteen he fled into the wilderness, with nothing to cling to but the m...
Way of the Peaceful Warrior is based on the story of Dan Millman, a world champion athlete, who journeys into realms of romance and magic, light and darkness, body, mind, and spirit. Guided by a powerful old warrior named Socrates and tempted by an elusive, playful woman named Joy, Dan is led toward a final confrontation that will deliver or destroy him. Readers join Dan as he learns to live as a peaceful warrior. This international bestseller conveys piercing truths and humorous wisdom, speaking directly to the universal quest for happiness.
Way of the Peaceful Warrior is based on the story of Dan Millman, a world champion athlete, who journeys into realms of romance and magic, ligh...
More and more people are waking up spiritually. And for most of them, the question becomes: now what? Information about life after awakening is usually not made public, explains Adyashanti. It's most often shared only between teachers and their students. The End of Your World is his response to a growing need for direction on the spi...
More and more people are waking up spiritually. And for most of them, the question becomes: now what? Information about life after awakening is usuall...
Dan Millman hat Hunderttausende Leser auf den Pfad des friedvollen Kriegers gefhrt, hin zu Selbstverwirklichung und innerem Wachstum. Aus dem reichen Erfahrungsschatz des Autors entstand dieses praktische Handbuch: Mit zahlreichen bungen und Meditationen, um den ganzen Menschen ins Gleichgewicht zu bringen, lhmende Energieblockaden zu berwinden und neues Selbstwertgefhl zu entwickeln.
Dan Millman hat Hunderttausende Leser auf den Pfad des friedvollen Kriegers gefhrt, hin zu Selbstverwirklichung und innerem Wachstum. Aus dem reichen ...