In this book, thirty-five young, recently diagnosed patients speak about schizophrenia and the process of recovery, while two specialists illuminate the medical science, psychoeducation, and therapeutic needs of those coping with the illness, as well as access to medical benefits and community resources. A remarkably inclusive guide, the volume informs patients, families, friends, and professionals, detailing the possible causes of schizophrenia, medications and side effects, the functioning of the brain, and the value of rehabilitation and other services.
In their dialogues, participants...
In this book, thirty-five young, recently diagnosed patients speak about schizophrenia and the process of recovery, while two specialists illuminate t...
Abandoned. Left to die. Rescued. Redeemed... Adoption. Betrayal. Unfailing love... The King's Daughter: A Story of Redemption traces one of the most beautiful love stories of all time. This collection of short Bible studies searches out the life of the King's Daughter, a familiar figure of Psalm 45. Though often lifted up as an example to Christian women, her full story is rarely told. Has she always been the most beautiful ornament in the King's throne room? Will she remain so? Will she turn her back on the One who loved her more than any other, or will she let Him be as a bundle of myrrh...
Abandoned. Left to die. Rescued. Redeemed... Adoption. Betrayal. Unfailing love... The King's Daughter: A Story of Redemption traces one of the most b...