Musical / 3m, 5f (Doubling) / Unit Set The People vs. Mona revolves around Mona Mae Katt, who is accused of murdering her husband on their wedding night. The resulting trial brings out the worst and the funniest of the citizens in the tiny town of Tippo in this love story, murder mystery, courtroom shenanigans, fate-of-a-small-town-hinging-on-the-verdict musical.
Musical / 3m, 5f (Doubling) / Unit Set The People vs. Mona revolves around Mona Mae Katt, who is accused of murdering her husband on their wedding nig...
Who Says Stuffed Animals Aren't Real? Meet Polly Puffin. This big-beaked stuffed bird sits alone on a store shelf until a girl named Suzy decides to take her home. Turns out, Polly's just what Suzy needs-someone to listen to her talk about her day, her dreams, and most of all, her mom. That's because Suzy's life hasn't been the same since she lost her. Before long, Polly and Suzy are an inseparable pair--best friends. And Polly makes it her sole purpose to support this remarkable, bright and special little girl. For the first time in a long while, Suzy's even smiling But...
Who Says Stuffed Animals Aren't Real? Meet Polly Puffin. This big-beaked stuffed bird sits alone on a store shelf until a girl named Su...
Good Catholics tells the story of the remarkable individuals who have engaged in a nearly fifty-year struggle to assert the moral legitimacy of a pro-choice position in the Catholic Church, as well as the concurrent efforts of the Catholic hierarchy to suppress abortion dissent and to translate Catholic doctrine on sexuality into law. Miller recounts a dramatic but largely untold history of protest and persecution, which demonstrates the profound and surprising influence that the conflict over abortion in the Catholic Church has had not only on the church but also on the very fabric of...
Good Catholics tells the story of the remarkable individuals who have engaged in a nearly fifty-year struggle to assert the moral legitimacy of...