Combining traditional elements with the fantastic and the surreal, Ivanov's stories address not only the themes of the Russian revolution but also the quiet world of man and nature, and the elemental bond that tied peasants to their native land.
Combining traditional elements with the fantastic and the surreal, Ivanov's stories address not only the themes of the Russian revolution but also the...
The United States' first venture into a phantasy future as the world's first self-proclaimed hegemon began in March, 2003. Launching a war that had no germ of justification, and ignoring the jihadists who had attacked the homeland on 9/11, American troops following orders completed the conquest of Victim No. 1 in little more than a month. As many authorities agree, and as The Quagmire Chronicles makes clear, the Iraq war was the wrong conflict in the wrong place at the wrong time. Expanding steadily, it became an incubus on not only the United States but the entire Muslim world. By itself...
The United States' first venture into a phantasy future as the world's first self-proclaimed hegemon began in March, 2003. Launching a war that had no...
Der Mega-Bestseller, der das Genre für immer änderte! Im Jahr 1986 schuf Frank Miller mit DIE RÜCKKEHR DES DUNKLEN RITTERS einen Comic-Meilenstein, der das Genre nachhaltig und für immer verändern sollte. Seither sind mehrere Fortsetzungen erschienen, die von Lesern und Kritikern ebenso begeistert aufgenommen wurden wie der erste Band! Panini bringt diese Comic-Bestseller noch einmal als überformatige und wertige Hardcover-Ausgaben!
Der Mega-Bestseller, der das Genre für immer änderte! Im Jahr 1986 schuf Frank Miller mit DIE RÜCKKEHR DES DUNKLEN RITTERS einen Comic-Meilenstein...