"Paradise Boys" is narrated by JoJo Arnold, a violent, angry 16-year-old boy who is spending a summer in a minimum-security institution for emotionally disturbed adolescents. In a racially mixed dormitory wing, he lives with nine other troubled teens who have a variety of problems.
The Paradise Boys live in a place which takes its name from its location, Paradise Hill, on the city's North Side. Surrounded by hostile neighbors, who call the boys criminals and retards, and on set a hill above an urban jungle called the War Streets, the Paradise Boys grapple with the confusions of life....
"Paradise Boys" is narrated by JoJo Arnold, a violent, angry 16-year-old boy who is spending a summer in a minimum-security institution for emotionall...
"Scotch and Oranges," is a contemporary novel about Ned Humber, a 25-year-old advertising executive who has affairs with seven women, from 19 to 53, including a teenage flirt, Eastern European refugee, African-American writer, actress/stripper, middle-aged burnout, 53-year-old virgin/Irish patriot, and a lesbian.
Telling the heartbreaking story of each woman, "Scotch and Oranges" also chronicles Ned's growth from callow and selfish to caring and sensitive. After seven very different and affecting experiences, Ned not only becomes a kinder, gentler leader, asserting himself for the good of...
"Scotch and Oranges," is a contemporary novel about Ned Humber, a 25-year-old advertising executive who has affairs with seven women, from 19 to 53, i...
From the award-winning author of "Paradise Boys" and "Scotch and Oranges " comes "Ghost Dancer," 21 original stories that look at American life with a reporter's eye-and dissect it with a surgeon's scalpel.
From a young man grappling with the Kennedy assassination to a battle-weary Vietnam flyer, a ship's officer off Tierra del Fuego to a homesick soldier in war-torn France, we meet recovering alcoholics, aspiring actors, pimps and pols and busted-up football players-people who try to rebuild shattered lives on a landscape scarred by war, littered with fatal fires and shuttered steel...
From the award-winning author of "Paradise Boys" and "Scotch and Oranges " comes "Ghost Dancer," 21 original stories that look at American life with a...
From the award-winning author of "Paradise Boys, Scotch and Oranges," and "Ghost Dancer," comes "End of the Road," Americans fighting their fates, striving to succeed.
In the multi-layered, multi-nuanced narratives that readers have come expect in the Mendelson landscape, San Francisco reporter Damian Vrabel goes off looking for America. Returning with 36 tightly written short stories-each exactly 1,000 words-Vrabel chronicles departure and disappointment, betrayal and bereavement. Traveling the length and breadth of the continent, its heartland and its edges-San Diego and Alaska, Key West...
From the award-winning author of "Paradise Boys, Scotch and Oranges," and "Ghost Dancer," comes "End of the Road," Americans fighting their fates, str...
With stirring narrative and beautiful photography, Pittsburgh Prays takes us on a journey to the massive cathedrals and private chapels, synagogues, mosques and temples of Greater Pittsburgh. The book highlights not only sacred places, and piety, but also the love that created and maintains these houses of worships of all faiths, foci of communities and neighborhoods. More than bricks and mortar, each building represents the lexicon of Pittsburgh history - and generations dedicated to the greater good.
With stirring narrative and beautiful photography, Pittsburgh Prays takes us on a journey to the massive cathedrals and private chapels, synagogues, m...