"Into the light" is the story of the nine year old Leo and his dog Bucky, who accidently activates a Portal to an unknown universe and sends them on the adventure of their lifetime. Leo and Bucky suddenly have to fight droids and rock-monsters to survive, find a way back home and save the galaxy.
"Into the light" is the story of the nine year old Leo and his dog Bucky, who accidently activates a Portal to an unknown universe and sends them on t...
Are you stuck in your job? Do you have the feeling that you are wasting your time with office politics, endless and unproductive meetings and unmotivated colleagues and employees? Then this book is for you "Reduced to the max," "Amazing Book," "Well written, short and to the point," "Excellent " and "Thought provoking" are just some of the reviews for "Rise to the top " "Rise to the top " gives you pragmatic advice on how to succeed in today's business world, well written and to the point. No fluff, just simple to follow principles that could change your career forever. Take responsibility...
Are you stuck in your job? Do you have the feeling that you are wasting your time with office politics, endless and unproductive meetings and unmotiva...