Academic knowledge is of academic interest. In this book I set out several new sciences relevant to mankind. All of these sciences can be directly applied by yourself for your benefit. They make predictions about the consequences of your actions and are testable. You can use your intuition or judgment to determine whether they are true or not from your perspective, or you can wait for the outcome of scientific testing. In reality, this book sets out a new psychology for both the mind and the self. These sciences and analyses and thoughts can help you in all the major aspects of your life. Why...
Academic knowledge is of academic interest. In this book I set out several new sciences relevant to mankind. All of these sciences can be directly app...
This book analyses Western Philosophy and states that one philosopher says this and another the opposite. The subject provides nothing useful for mankind.
This book analyses Western Philosophy and states that one philosopher says this and another the opposite. The subject provides nothing useful for mank...
From an ex-colleague of mine who came first in his year at Physics in Cambridge University: "If the message is that western physics is wrong, then everybody will agree, because it is widely accepted that modern physics has not yet found the explanation for the most important phenomena in the universe, and that its major triumphs refer to experiments where the present theories are not tested to their limits. An idea mentioned in the book is that light moves instantaneously, and that it takes time for impressions to reach us."
From an ex-colleague of mine who came first in his year at Physics in Cambridge University: "If the message is that western physics is wrong, then eve...
This book is by a mathematician who believes that the teaching of maths has gone dramatically wrong for young children. Here is set out the basics of what a child needs in everyday life. He does not look at complicated maths, just what very young children will easily pick up if taught properly. And that is what the author sets out to help you to do: teach your child maths, properly.
This book is by a mathematician who believes that the teaching of maths has gone dramatically wrong for young children. Here is set out the basics of ...
All sorts of strange things happen to the mind nowadays. Senility, dementia, women liking men who wear red shoes, .. This book explains how you can try and set things right
All sorts of strange things happen to the mind nowadays. Senility, dementia, women liking men who wear red shoes, .. This book explains how you can tr...
Today man's immune system has never been worse. Even flu will require the whole population to wear face masks. But (wild) animals seem to manage better. Is this because they are cleverer? No. But, studying animals gives many insights into what man should not do aswell as what he or she should do to maintain health.
Today man's immune system has never been worse. Even flu will require the whole population to wear face masks. But (wild) animals seem to manage bette...
This book examines how bad the world may be very soon. As uneducated young people enter the labour force, unemployment rates will increase dramatically, and this will lead to a huge surge in crime. Other things are also going wrong.
This book examines how bad the world may be very soon. As uneducated young people enter the labour force, unemployment rates will increase dramaticall...
This book shows how one can perfect one's sex life. Everyone has seven main energy spheres: physical, sexual, emotional, love, mental, spiritual and divine. One should be contented in all of these.
This book shows how one can perfect one's sex life. Everyone has seven main energy spheres: physical, sexual, emotional, love, mental, spiritual and d...