Upon receiving mysterious books from their dying grandfather, thirteen-year-old Kie Kinsely, and his younger brother, Max, learn of an invisible war that has been ranging for over two thousand years. Accepting their place in this Ancient War as the Blade Children, the two brothers gain the ability to see angels and demons that roam the earth. Together, along with their Guardians, Kie and Max are sent to the Spiritual World by a Supernatural Force.
Both Worlds Are in the Balance
In order to return home, they must defeat a team of powerful demons...
A New Destiny is About to Unfold
Upon receiving mysterious books from their dying grandfather, thirteen-year-old Kie Kinsely, and his younger ...
Upon receiving mysterious books from their dying grandfather, thirteen-year-old Kie Kinsely, and his younger brother, Max, learn of an invisible war that has been ranging for over two thousand years. Accepting their place in this Ancient War as the Blade Children, the two brothers gain the ability to see angels and demons that roam the earth. Together, along with their Guardians, Kie and Max are sent to the Spiritual World by a Supernatural Force.
Both Worlds Are in the Balance
In order to return home, they must defeat a team of powerful demons...
A New Destiny is About to Unfold
Upon receiving mysterious books from their dying grandfather, thirteen-year-old Kie Kinsely, and his younger ...
Daylighting and Integrated Lighting Design provides architects, building designers, and students clear direction for the successful inclusion of daylight and integrated electric light in buildings. It presents design teams with the performance analysis resources, energy saving estimates and user satisfaction results they need in order to make informed decisions regarding daylighting and lighting design.
Written by two well-known experts in the field, the book provides:
critical geometric and material relationships along with proven design process activities, offered in a...
Daylighting and Integrated Lighting Design provides architects, building designers, and students clear direction for the successful inclusion of da...
Daylighting and Integrated Lighting Design provides architects, building designers, and students clear direction for the successful inclusion of daylight and integrated electric light in buildings. It presents design teams with the performance analysis resources, energy saving estimates and user satisfaction results they need in order to make informed decisions regarding daylighting and lighting design.
Written by two well-known experts in the field, the book provides:
critical geometric and material relationships along with proven design process...
Daylighting and Integrated Lighting Design provides architects, building designers, and students clear direction for the successful inclus...