New York City's municipal government is the largest and most complex in the nation, perhaps in the world. Its annual operating budget is now a staggering $29 billion a year, plus it has a capital budget of $4 billion more. The city and its various agencies employ approximately 360,000 full-time workers. The Office of the Mayor alone employs some 1,600 people (and spends some $135 million). And the Police Department boasts a small army of over 25,000 officers, with a budget of $1.5 billion. Anyone wanting to make sense of an organization this vast needs an excellent guide. In Power...
New York City's municipal government is the largest and most complex in the nation, perhaps in the world. Its annual operating budget is now a stagger...
During the past 25 years computers have been introduced in industry to perform technical tasks such as drafting, design, process planning, data acquisition, process control, and quality assurance. Computerized solutions nevertheless have normally been single, isolated devices within a manufacturing plant. Computer technology is still evolving rapidly. The life cycle of todays' products and production methods is shortening, with continuously increasing requirements of customers, and a trend to market interrelations between companies at a national and international level. This urges a need for...
During the past 25 years computers have been introduced in industry to perform technical tasks such as drafting, design, process planning, data acquis...