This annotated bio-bibliographical guide provides long-overdue recognition for women writers of Spain, including special entries on those writing in Catalan and Galician. By familiarizing readers with the content and meaning of selected works by three hundred such writers, readers and students of Spanish literature now have access to works which may be judged as excellent examples of the literature of their age, yet have previously received little or no attention. Through the efforts of seventy-nine specialists in Spanish literature, each of these writers is summarized in a brief...
This annotated bio-bibliographical guide provides long-overdue recognition for women writers of Spain, including special entries on those writing i...
The desire to see afresh, to see differently, both old and not-so-old texts underlies Visions and Revisions: Women's Narrative in Twentieth-Century Spain. The authors studied, born between 1867 and l966, evince an interest in one or more of the issues that structure and give unity to this book: the construction of the self, concepts of gender and nation, center and margin, and efforts to recover and/or reconstruct the past, both individual and collective. In addition to focusing on questions that are currently of great critical interest, the volume features both Castilian and Catalan...
The desire to see afresh, to see differently, both old and not-so-old texts underlies Visions and Revisions: Women's Narrative in Twentieth-Century Sp...
Caterina Albert i Paradis (1869-1966) began her career with a scandal. Her dramatic monologue "The Infanticide," delivered by a young woman, won prizes and garnered the attention of the Catalan literary world, but its harsh theme drew outrage when the anonymous author was revealed to be a woman. In the tradition of George Eliot, George Sand, and other controversial women authors, Albert had assumed a man's name, Victor Catala. She continued to write unflinching narratives, mostly in Catalan, of the people and life around her, producing a body of work still enlisted today to help the...
Caterina Albert i Paradis (1869-1966) began her career with a scandal. Her dramatic monologue "The Infanticide," delivered by a young woman, won pr...