Beginning with the founding of Rome, each chapter features important figures- including Julius Caesar, Augustus, and Hadrian to discuss the evolution of the republic, Greek influences, and rise of Christianity. Chapters on gladiatorial games, business, and class conflict balance out sections covering emperors, wars, and conquests. Numerous illustrations and full-color photographs of site, artifacts, and period artwork bring the time period to life for readers. The engaging and accessible writing, combined with sourced quotations make it a useful resource for research and discovery.
Beginning with the founding of Rome, each chapter features important figures- including Julius Caesar, Augustus, and Hadrian to discuss the evolution ...
What do the wheel, the law, and belief in a single god have in common? All of these ideas first came to people who lived in the ancient Near East. As if these revolutionary developments weren't enough to make a mark on world history, these ancient innovators also came up with the most fantastic invention of all-writing. The Ancient Near Eastern World is filled with the scribes, potters, sculptors, architects, school children, lawmakers, kings, queens, farmers, and priests who designed and created that world.
What do the wheel, the law, and belief in a single god have in common? All of these ideas first came to people who lived in the ancient Near East. As ...
The Teaching Guide to The Ancient Near Eastern World is a complete, all-in-one resource that provides teachers with the support they need to help their students access the content of the book from the Medieval & Early Modern World series. It contains a collection of important instructional tools for the teacher, and a separate section on reading and literacy with practical strategies for teaching content to students with a wide range of abilities and learning styles. Special multimedia, cross-curricular projects, one for each chapter, designed for mixed-group use gives students of all...
The Teaching Guide to The Ancient Near Eastern World is a complete, all-in-one resource that provides teachers with the support they need to help thei...
The Teaching Guide to The Ancient Roman World is a complete, all-in-one resource that provides teachers with the support they need to help their students access the content of the book from the Medieval & Early Modern World series. It contains a collection of important instructional tools for the teacher, and a separate section on reading and literacy with practical strategies for teaching content to students with a wide range of abilities and learning styles. Special multimedia, cross-curricular projects, one for each chapter, designed for mixed-group use gives students of all...
The Teaching Guide to The Ancient Roman World is a complete, all-in-one resource that provides teachers with the support they need to help their stude...
The Student Study Guides are important and unique components that are available for each of the books in The World in Ancient Times series. Each of the Student Study Guides is designed to be used with the main text at school or sent home for homework assignments. The activities in the Student Study guide will help students get the most out of their history books. Each student study guide includes a chapter-by-chapter two-page lesson that uses a variety of interesting activities to help a student master history and develop important reading and study skills.
The Student Study Guides are important and unique components that are available for each of the books in The World in Ancient Times series. Each of th...
Vor langer Zeit machte Gott die Welt. Seine Engel schauten dabei zu. Sie freuten sich mit ihm über den ersten Sonnenaufgang, den Himmel, die Berge, das Wasser und die Pflanzen. Der Delfin, das Schaf, die Löwin und viele andere Tiere berichten aus ihrer eigenen Sicht über Engel, die sie behüteten: bei der Geburt ihrer Jungen, im glitzernden Wasser des Meeres, als Schutz bei Bedrohung. Und wie ist es bei den Menschen? Haben auch sie Engel, die ihre Kinder begleiten und schützen?
Vor langer Zeit machte Gott die Welt. Seine Engel schauten dabei zu. Sie freuten sich mit ihm über den ersten Sonnenaufgang, den Himmel, die Berge, d...