SPANISH EDITION. Why does a good God allow evil to continue? This and other tough questions asked by skeptics of the Christian faith are tackled by McDowell and Stuart.
SPANISH EDITION. Why does a good God allow evil to continue? This and other tough questions asked by skeptics of the Christian faith are tackled by Mc...
Este es uno de cuatro libros de referencia de una serie acerca de algunas de las sectas de la actualidad escritos por el mismo autor. Este libro vierte luz sobre el mormonismo, los Testigos de Jehova (ruselismo), la Iglesia de la Unificacion (seguidores de Moon), la meditacion trascendental y muchas sectas mas.
Este es uno de cuatro libros de referencia de una serie acerca de algunas de las sectas de la actualidad escritos por el mismo autor. Este libro viert...
Quien es usted? Quien le dijo quien es? Le gusta lo que mira? No siempre es facil amarse y aceptarse por lo que uno es en realidad. Es probable que su experiencia lo convenciera de que su identidad se moldea por su aspecto fisico, por la manera en que se desenvuelve y hasta por sus logros. Sin embargo, su identidad puede reformase cuando se mire como Dios lo mira; ni mas ni menos. En este libro, una edicion revisada del exito de libreria Su imagen, usted podra descubrir la base biblica de una saludable identidad propia, volver a definir su autorretrato, aprender a aceptar la vision de Dios de...
Quien es usted? Quien le dijo quien es? Le gusta lo que mira? No siempre es facil amarse y aceptarse por lo que uno es en realidad. Es probable que su...
Be prepared -in season and out- with this handy reference book of faith. Timely and biblically based, Josh McDowell's work offers defenses in 60 of the most-challenged areas of faith. All in one easy-to-reference volume, this book will strengthen your commitment and help you stand firm against challenges to the truth.
Be prepared -in season and out- with this handy reference book of faith. Timely and biblically based, Josh McDowell's work offers defenses in 60 of...
Honest, frank and straight to the point, youth experts Josh McDowell and Bill Jones jump into the middle of over 230 questions common among teenagers. From -How can I get along with my parents?- to -How can I resist drugs when all my friends do it?- to -How far can I go physically before it's wrong?--no question is off limits, and no answer is impossible.
Honest, frank and straight to the point, youth experts Josh McDowell and Bill Jones jump into the middle of over 230 questions common among teenage...
Thoroughly researched, this easy-to-use handbook is designed to help parents, teachers, pastors and youth workers guide today's young people through the minefields of adolescence. From simple challenges to major crises, this book will equip adults to help youth cope with situations involving emotional issues, abuse, addictions, family issues, disorders, sexual issues and much more.
Thoroughly researched, this easy-to-use handbook is designed to help parents, teachers, pastors and youth workers guide today's young people throug...
According to Josh McDowell, our children are being raised in a society that has largely rejected the concepts of truth and morality. In Right From Wrong, McDowell offers hope and provides families and the church with a sound, thorough, biblical and workable method to clearly understand and defend the truth.
According to Josh McDowell, our children are being raised in a society that has largely rejected the concepts of truth and morality. In Right Fr...
Sixteen-year-old Kevin Colvin, burdened by his parent's fighting, the recent death of his best friend and slipping grades, despairs that he's just -a waste of space on this planet. Is this a passing thought or is he about to seriously contemplate suicide?
Do you know any students like Kevin who are caught in the downward emotional spiral of disappointment to discouragement to despair? What can you say or do to help? What do they need most right now? Perhaps more than any time in their lives they need a -911 friend--a friend who always loyal and a brother and sister who] is...
Sixteen-year-old Kevin Colvin, burdened by his parent's fighting, the recent death of his best friend and slipping grades, despairs that he's just ...