The Greens have been not only a political force and social conscience for Germany but also an inspiration to political groups and movements in many countries. This book includes essays that provide a picture of the dynamics of the German Greens where their support has come from, the nature of the competing factions, and the place of feminism.
The Greens have been not only a political force and social conscience for Germany but also an inspiration to political groups and movements in many co...
The Greens have been not only a political force and social conscience for Germany but also an inspiration to political groups and movements in many countries. This book includes essays that provide a picture of the dynamics of the German Greens where their support has come from, the nature of the competing factions, and the place of feminism.
The Greens have been not only a political force and social conscience for Germany but also an inspiration to political groups and movements in many co...
The financial crisis has given new impetus to the struggles of oppositional urban social movements that have long emphasized the injustice, destructiveness and unsustainability of capitalist forms of urbanization. Through contributions by urban theorists, sociologists, geographers, political scientists, planners and activists, the volume explores the possibilities for, and constraints upon, critical urban theory and practice today. Ideas are linked by a common theme: the difficulties that are created for people by cities organized for profit, and the existing trends, struggles and movements...
The financial crisis has given new impetus to the struggles of oppositional urban social movements that have long emphasized the injustice, destructiv...
The worldwide financial crisis has sent shock-waves of accelerated economic restructuring, regulatory reorganization and sociopolitical conflict through cities around the world. It has also given new impetus to the struggles of urban social movements emphasizing the injustice, destructiveness and unsustainability of capitalist forms of urbanization. This book contributes analyses intended to be useful for efforts to roll back contemporary profit-based forms of urbanization, and to promote alternative, radically democratic and sustainable forms of urbanism.
The contributors provide...
The worldwide financial crisis has sent shock-waves of accelerated economic restructuring, regulatory reorganization and sociopolitical conflict th...
Seit Beginn der 90er Jahre ist von deutschen Kommunalverwaltungen eine Modemisierungskampagne in Gang gesetzt, die von der Kommunalen Ge meinschaftsstelle fUr Verwaltungsvereinfachung (KGSt) und von zahlreichen Untemehmensberatem unterstiitzt, aber von der Politik- und Verwaltungs wissenschaft noch keineswegs systematisch beforscht wird. Ende 1995 expe rimentierten bereits 82 der 84 Gro13st?dte Deutsch1ands mit Elementen eines Neuen Steuerungsmodells, aber noch mangelt es an fundierter empirischer Forschung zu den aktuellen Ver?nderungen im lokalen politisch-administra tiven System und ihren...
Seit Beginn der 90er Jahre ist von deutschen Kommunalverwaltungen eine Modemisierungskampagne in Gang gesetzt, die von der Kommunalen Ge meinschaftsst...
Processes of neoliberalisation have caused deeply segregated urban landscapes defined by deepening social inequality, rising unemployment, racism, securitization of urban spaces and welfare state withdrawal, particularly from poor peripheral areas, where tensions between marginalized youth and police often manifest in public spaces.
Processes of neoliberalisation have caused deeply segregated urban landscapes defined by deepening social inequality, rising unemployment, racism, sec...