Trata sobre como conectarse con otros, como alentar a los que nos rodean y como ser mejores oidores. Relaciones 101 es el instrumento perfecto para quien desee mejorar sus relaciones con los demas.
Trata sobre como conectarse con otros, como alentar a los que nos rodean y como ser mejores oidores. Relaciones 101 es el instrumento perfecto ...
Full of interactive questions and space for readers to provide answers, as well as new material for readers to assess their current type of thinking, this workbook guides readers in applying the lessons they learned from How Successful People Think or the book which it was derived from, Thinking For A Change. Each of the eleven chapters will focus on one type of thinking, and contain a case study, critical thinking questions, a journal section, and an action plan of steps to help the reader create a personalized plan.
Full of interactive questions and space for readers to provide answers, as well as new material for readers to assess their current type of thinking, ...
Learn to Lead?not just for yourself, but for the people who follow you.
For countless readers around the world, his name is synonymous with leadership. And for more than two million organizational leaders, the wisdom of John C. Maxwell has ignited learning, growth, and lasting change. Now, for the first time, that wisdom has been distilled into a single and powerful volume.
The Maxwell Daily Reader draws its unique power from an ageless truth: the heart of leadership is created through actions, put into...
Learn to Lead?not just for yourself, but for the people who follow you.
New York Times best-selling author John C. Maxwell shows that talent is just the starting point for a successful impact in any organization. It's what takes you beyond your talent that matters.
People everywhere are proving him right. Read the headlines, watch the highlights, or just step out your front door: Some talented people reach their full potential, while others self-destruct or remain trapped in mediocrity. What makes the difference? Maxwell, the go-to guru for business professionals across the globe, insists that the choices people make?not merely...
New York Times best-selling author John C. Maxwell shows that talent is just the starting point for a successful impact in any org...
One of the most established authorities on leadership writing today, John C. Maxwell speaks to over 350,000 people each year and his most popular topic is THE 5 LEVELS OF LEADERSHIP, which he now shares with readers. The five levels include: 1. Position - People follow because they have to. 2. Permission - People follow because want to. 3. Production - People follow because of what you have done for the organization. 4. People Development - People follow because of what you have done for them personally. 5. Pinnacle - People follow because of who you are and what you...
One of the most established authorities on leadership writing today, John C. Maxwell speaks to over 350,000 people each year and his most popular topi...
Don't wait for that promotion Start leading NOW...right where you are
What's the number one question leadership expert John C. Maxwell is asked while conducting his leadership conferences? "How can I implement what you teach when I'm not the top leader?." Is it possible to lead well when you're not the top dog? How about if the person you work for is a bad leader? The answer is a resounding yes
Welcome to The 360 Leader. People who desire to lead from the middle of organizations face unique challenges. And they are often held back by myths that prevent them from developing...
Don't wait for that promotion Start leading NOW...right where you are
What's the number one question leadership expert John C. Maxwell is a...
Führungskräfte sollten die 21 wichtigsten Führungsprinzipien von John C. Maxwell kennen. Wer erfolgreich sein will, sollte sie verinnerlichen und leben. Ob man sie mag oder nicht, sie regieren unsere persönliche wie berufliche Effektivität. Alles wächst oder fällt mit Leadership , sagt John C. Maxwell. Die Prinzipien haben Konsequenzen. Nutzt man sie, werden einem die Menschen folgen. Bekämpft man sie oder ignoriert man sie einfach, ist man nicht in der Lage, andere zu führen. Doch die gute Nachricht lautet, dass man jedes einzelne der 21 Prinzipien lernen kann.
Führungskräfte sollten die 21 wichtigsten Führungsprinzipien von John C. Maxwell kennen. Wer erfolgreich sein will, sollte sie verinnerlichen und l...
"Las lecturas diarias de Maxwell" basan su poder unico en una verdad perpetua: un corazon lider surge mediante acciones que se ponen en practica un dia a la vez. Cada pasaje expone un poderoso principio de liderazgo, listo para ponerse en practica en el mundo real.
Recoge la sabiduria eterna de catorce de los libros sobre liderazgo de John C. Maxwell (uno de los autores mas leidos segun el New York Times); es una obra que no debe faltarle a ninguno de los seguidores de Maxwell o el regalo perfecto para introducir a otros en su literatura. "
"Las lecturas diarias de Maxwell" basan su poder unico en una verdad perpetua: un corazon lider surge mediante acciones que se ponen en practica un...
Otro gran librito repleto de sabiduria e instruccion para anadir a la exitosa serie Maxwell 101. John C. Maxwell cree que trabajar en equipo se encuentra en el corazon de los grandes logros. La pregunta no es si los equipos tienen valor. La pregunta es si nosotros reconocemos ese hecho y nos convertimos en mejores trabajadores en equipo. En Equipo 101, Maxwell hace uso de la sabiduria sobre liderazgo de sus libros Las 17 leyes incuestionables del trabajo en equipo, El talento nunca es suficiente, Desarrolle los lideres que estan alrededor de usted, Lider de 360,...
Otro gran librito repleto de sabiduria e instruccion para anadir a la exitosa serie Maxwell 101. John C. Maxwell cree que trabajar en equip...