Rose, a shy dimestore salesgirl whose life centers around reveries and daydreams, lives in a dreary Philadelphia apartment. Into her life saunters Cliff, a hard working, hard drinking truck driver. He is rough and witty and just as starved for love as she is. Produced to great success at New York's Circle Repertory, this delicate two-character drama starred Peter Weller and Patricia Wettig. The Woolgatherer features several excellent monologues.
"Energy, compassion and theatrical sense are there."-The New York Times
Characters: 1 male, 1 female
Interior Set
Rose, a shy dimestore salesgirl whose life centers around reveries and daydreams, lives i...
This is a gripping drama about an unusual terrorist, one who is brilliant, articulate and right? Victor is the head of a group responsible for a bomb attack at the White House in which 27 people have been killed. He has a television news reporter led to his lair so she can tell the world why he has done what he has done. Victor's obsession is the destruction of the world's water supply and, with it, the final destruction of the human race by pollution. When the reporter asks if he feels any guilt about the death of the 27 innocent people, he replies...
Characters: 2 male, 2 female
This is a gripping drama about an unusual terrorist, one who is brilliant, articulate and right? Victor is the...
The Associated Press described Extremities as "a searing play about rape." This incredibly gripping drama portrays the act and it's aftermath as the victim turns the tables on her attacker, reaching a climax of fever pitch suspense.
"A good, jolting evening."-N.Y. Daily News
"A white knuckle psychological thriller."-USA Today
Drama / Characters: 1 male, 3 female
Scenery: Interior
The Associated Press described Extremities as "a searing play about rape." This incredibly ...