In this long-awaited sequel to his acclaimed Russia's Road to the Cold War (1979), Vojtech Mastny offers a thorough history of the early years of the Cold War, drawing upon his extensive research in newly opened Soviet archives. Just as the earlier volume offered the definitive portrait of Joseph Stalin's foreign policy during World War II, The Cold War and Soviet Insecurity affords readers an equally superb account of Stalin's foreign policy during his last years. Combining important new data with the fascinating insights of one of our leading authorities on Soviet affairs,...
In this long-awaited sequel to his acclaimed Russia's Road to the Cold War (1979), Vojtech Mastny offers a thorough history of the early year...
Has the existence of nuclear weapons transformed the traditional relationship between power and its use in international affairs? If it has, are we then in a period of transition to a new system based on entirely different principles? How would such a transition affect the lives of individuals? A number of writers address these questions in Power and Policy in Transition. The three basic themes of the book are the nature of power, its use in the pursuit of national interests, and the susceptibility to change of the relationship between power and policy. Essays by scholars, professionals,...
Has the existence of nuclear weapons transformed the traditional relationship between power and its use in international affairs? If it has, are we...
This essential new volume reviews the threat perceptions, military doctrines, and war plans of both the NATO alliance and the Warsaw Pact during the Cold War, as well as the position of the neutrals, from the post-Cold War perspective.
Based on previously unknown archival evidence from both East and West, the twelve essays in the book focus on the potential European battlefield rather than the strategic competition between the superpowers. They present conclusions about the nature of the Soviet threat that could previously only be speculated about and analyze the interaction between...
This essential new volume reviews the threat perceptions, military doctrines, and war plans of both the NATO alliance and the Warsaw Pact during th...
As a rising regional power in the critical borderland between Europe and Asia, Turkey has been more challenged than its neighbors by the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the break-up of Yugoslavia. A secular Muslim nation with a history of involvement in European affairs and some with Western international structures, Turkey is positioned to play an influential role in areas with which it shares both ethnic and religious affinities. Building on what is perceived as a successful model of political and economic development, Turkish leaders are promoting regional economic cooperation and...
As a rising regional power in the critical borderland between Europe and Asia, Turkey has been more challenged than its neighbors by the disintegratio...
The first book to document, analyze, and interpret the history of the Warsaw Pact based on the archives of the alliance itself. The introductory study is followed by 193 documents, most of them top secret when created and have only recently been obtained from the Eastern European archives by the Parallel History Project on NATO and the Warsaw Pact, an international consortium of scholars. The majority of the texts have never appeared in English before, and each of them is accompanied by explanatory remarks. A chronology of the main events in the history of the Warsaw Pact, a list of its...
The first book to document, analyze, and interpret the history of the Warsaw Pact based on the archives of the alliance itself. The introductory study...
This is the first book to document, analyze, and interpret the history of the Warsaw Pact based on the archives of the alliance itself. As suggested by the title, the Soviet bloc military machine that held the West in awe for most of the Cold War does not appear from the inside as formidable as outsiders often believed, nor were its strengths and weaknesses the same at different times in its surprisingly long history, extending for almost half a century.
This is the first book to document, analyze, and interpret the history of the Warsaw Pact based on the archives of the alliance itself. As suggested b...
Im Mittelpunkt stehen die Strukturen des Kalten Krieges: Ihre Entstehung in der Fruhphase, ihre Entwicklung bis 1955/56. Mit der Doppelkrise von Suez und Ungarn im Oktober/November 1956 waren die bis 1989 gultigen Parameter der globalen Machtprobe festgelegt. Schmidt konzentriert sich auf die strukturellen Auswirkungen der Binnenkonflikte des westlichen Lagers. Seine Studie wird von Vojtech Mastny erganzt, der neu zuganglich gewordene osteuropaische Archivbestande einbezieht. Er stellt die sowjetische Auensicht auf die westliche Sicherheitsgemeinschaft vor, die das ostliche Handeln pragte.
Im Mittelpunkt stehen die Strukturen des Kalten Krieges: Ihre Entstehung in der Fruhphase, ihre Entwicklung bis 1955/56. Mit der Doppelkrise von Suez ...
The unexpected end of the protracted conflict has been a sobering experience for scholars. No theory had anticipated how the Cold War would be terminated, and none should also be relied upon to explicate its legacy. But instead of relying on preconceived formulas to project past developments, taking a historical perspective to explain their causes and consequences allows one to better understand trends and their long-term significance. The present book takes such perspective, focusing on the evolution of security, its substance as well as its perception, the concurrent development of...
The unexpected end of the protracted conflict has been a sobering experience for scholars. No theory had anticipated how the Cold War would be termina...