Copper Country Journal brings to life a culture and community long since passed from the American landscape. It includes a wealth of information, both within the introduction and throughout the diary, about the copper industry from 1845-1865. Hobart centered his narrative on Cliff Mine, one of the leading producers of copper in the world and the primary employer in the town of Clifton. He provides firsthand accounts of the unsafe conditions in the mines, the workers and their families, and the impact of the mine on the employees and the community.
Copper Country Journal brings to life a culture and community long since passed from the American landscape. It includes a wealth of information, both...
More than a generation of German-speaking students around the world have worked their way to an understanding and appreciation of the power and beauty of modern theoretical physics with mathematics, the most fundamental of sciences using Walter Greiner s textbooks as their guide. The idea of developing a coherent, complete presentation of an entire ?eld of science in a series of closely related textbooks is not a new one. Many older physicians remember with real pleasure their sense of adventure and discovery as they worked their ways through the classic series by Sommerfeld, by Planck, and...
More than a generation of German-speaking students around the world have worked their way to an understanding and appreciation of the power and beauty...