Volume 12 of Adams Family Correspondence, with 276 documents spanning from March 1797 through April 1798, opens with the inauguration of John Adams as president and closes just after details of the XYZ affair are made public in America. Through private networks of correspondence, the Adamses reveal both their individual concerns for the well-being of the nation and the depth of their public and political engagement with the republic. Abigail's letters to friend and foe demonstrate the important role she played as an unofficial member of the administration. John Quincy and Thomas...
Volume 12 of Adams Family Correspondence, with 276 documents spanning from March 1797 through April 1798, opens with the inauguration of Joh...
Volume 18 is the final volume of the Papers of John Adams wholly devoted to Adams' diplomatic career. It chronicles fourteen months of his tenure as minister to Great Britain and his joint commission, with Thomas Jefferson, to negotiate treaties with Europe and North Africa. With respect to Britain, Adams found it impossible to do "any Thing Satisfactory, with this Nation," and the volume ends with his decision to resign his posts. His diplomatic efforts, Adams thought, were too much akin to "making brick without straw."
John Adams' ministerial efforts in London were...
Volume 18 is the final volume of the Papers of John Adams wholly devoted to Adams' diplomatic career. It chronicles fourteen months of his t...
In John Adams's last 28 months as a diplomat in Europe, he petitioned to halt British impressment of American sailors, salvaged U.S. credit by contracting two Dutch loans, and finished A Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America. He retired to his home but later resumed office as the first vice president of the U.S.
In John Adams's last 28 months as a diplomat in Europe, he petitioned to halt British impressment of American sailors, salvaged U.S. credit by contrac...