In the years immediately following World War II, NBC's legendary David Sarnoff and his cross-town equal, CBS's William S. Paley, decided that American television would be identified with quality live drama surrounded by news, light entertainment (in the form of variety and quiz shows), and family-oriented series generally spun off from radio. That initial vision eroded over the years and decades, but the dramatic part of this equation endured well into the 1960s, when, with NBC's Project 120 (which commissioned movies expressly for television in 120-minute doses), the genres known as...
In the years immediately following World War II, NBC's legendary David Sarnoff and his cross-town equal, CBS's William S. Paley, decided that Ameri...
Diminutive Mickey Rooney has been in show business for more than 80 years as actor, composer, producer, writer, and director. His still-active career spans vaudeville, radio, television, the stage, and movies such as It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World, The Black Stallion, and The Bridges at Toko-Ri. He won two Golden Globes and an Emmy and has received or been nominated for many other awards. From leading a 17-piece band to writing a novel, Rooney has been dispensing earthy wisdom and good humor in the public eye for many decades. Rooney's life from his birth in 1920 and first stage appearance 16...
Diminutive Mickey Rooney has been in show business for more than 80 years as actor, composer, producer, writer, and director. His still-active career ...
Television has always augmented its dramatic and variety programming with sports. After covering wrestling and boxing matches for several years, ABC added the hugely popular Roller Derby between 1949 and 1951, and later, college and pro football. Today, there is a multitude of pay and cable networks devoted exclusively to baseball, football, golf, hockey, tennis, ice-skating, and auto racing. Rather than focusing on live sports broadcasts, however, this book chronicles the history of sports-themed comedies and dramas, to see how our national fictions have affected our authentic sports...
Television has always augmented its dramatic and variety programming with sports. After covering wrestling and boxing matches for several years, AB...
Supplementing Movies Made for Television: 1964-2004, this new volume contains entries on an additional 400 television films and mini-series produced between 2005 and 2009. Each entry includes extensive production credits (director, writer, producer, composer, director of photography, and editor) and a complete cast and character listing.
Supplementing Movies Made for Television: 1964-2004, this new volume contains entries on an additional 400 television films and mini-series produced b...
Westerns have featured prominently in films almost since motion pictures were first produced at the end of the nineteenth century and when televisions invaded American homes in the late 1940s and early '50s, Western programs filled the small screen landscape. Throughout the 1950s and well into the 1960s, these shows dominated television with such long-running successes as Bonanza, Wagon Train, and Maverick. And though the genre has fallen on hard times over the years, it has never died, as Hollywood continues to produce films, mini-series, and shows that keep the west alive. In Television...
Westerns have featured prominently in films almost since motion pictures were first produced at the end of the nineteenth century and when televisions...