Visual note-taking relies on paring down thoughts to key words and pictures. This introduction to this technique illustrates how relationships among various concepts are highlighted and more information can be recorded on a page. This helpful tool can be used for personal self-expression, curriculum planning, group processes, and as a teaching strategy in daily lessons.
Visual note-taking relies on paring down thoughts to key words and pictures. This introduction to this technique illustrates how relationships among v...
Step into the world of upscale, highbrow artistic expression. Mingle with the sophisticates as you delve into the deeper implications of the great masterpieces of the world. Stroll down the corridors of the world-famous Koala Museum of Modern Art (KOMA, pronounced -coma-), exploring its many galleries. First the East Wing, then West Wing, followed by the South Wing. Or just wing it. Better yet, read this book and save yourself all that walking. Commentaries appearing in this book were composed by our illustrious Chief Executive Curator, the same individual who brought the original exhibit to...
Step into the world of upscale, highbrow artistic expression. Mingle with the sophisticates as you delve into the deeper implications of the great mas...
Short Shorts: Sudden Fiction Nancy Margulies' first book of short short stories is the result of joining a writing group. Consider this as an option for you: invite a group of friends who like to write to share a weekly prompt via email or in-person meetings. A word or phrase is offered. Everyone then writes spontaneously - improvisational writing - for a timed period. Three minutes, ten or twelve minutes, occasionally longer. Whatever is written is shared, unedited, or not shared, that is all up to the writer. Feedback is positive: "what I liked, what moved me, what I'd like to hear more of....
Short Shorts: Sudden Fiction Nancy Margulies' first book of short short stories is the result of joining a writing group. Consider this as an option f...
Review of Book The Devil shows up in a church basement, a repair guy gets to work on a girlbot, a skateboarder freezes mid-air, a prisoner stabbed in a Mexican jail, a tourist loses her identity down an outhouse hole, one memorable night in the slums of Rio, tryouts for a biblical porn movie - these are but a few of the wildly entertaining scenes included in the fifty-eight exceptional stories in the new collection, Animal Husband, by Nancy Margulies. Warning: do not attempt to predict the ending of any of these stories. They will fool you every time. Suggested Use: read one or two each...
Review of Book The Devil shows up in a church basement, a repair guy gets to work on a girlbot, a skateboarder freezes mid-air, a prisoner stabbed in ...