Coding theory, system theory, and symbolic dynamics have much in common. A major new theme in this area of research is that of codes and systems based on graphical models. This volume contains survey and research articles from leading researchers at the interface of these subjects.
Coding theory, system theory, and symbolic dynamics have much in common. A major new theme in this area of research is that of codes and systems ba...
For 60 years the Materialistic/Evolutionary World-View has been dominant in the USA. The Biblical/Young-Earth/Creationist View has been scoffed at and ridiculed by the educational institutions and the media. However, as our scientific knowledge continues to improve, an increasing number of scientists are rejecting the Old Earth/Evolutionary View and embracing Intelligent-Design and Young Earth Position. Famous evolutionists like Richard Dawkins struggle to answer the types of questions that this essay poses.
For 60 years the Materialistic/Evolutionary World-View has been dominant in the USA. The Biblical/Young-Earth/Creationist View has been scoffed at and...