With compassion and compelling insight, the Pleiadians, those system-busting time-travelers from the future, take us on a journey through the unchartered lands of The Book of Earth, which comprises all human experience. While -our world goes belly-up in these most absurd of times, - they offer us -tools for survival.- During the crucial period between 1987 and 2012--a nanosecond in the annals of existence where secrets and solutions are stored--we have the unique opportunity to move from the deepest of density to the highest of frequencies--where we shift from linear to...
With compassion and compelling insight, the Pleiadians, those system-busting time-travelers from the future, take us on a journey through the uncharte...
The Pleiadians, a collective of multidimensional beings from the Pleiades star system, have been speaking through Barbara Marciniak since 1988. Sharing new inspirations from over eight years of previously unpublished Pleiadian wisdom, Marciniak offers creative solutions for changing beliefs, reclaiming one's power, and creating a world of unlimited possibilities. She also presents critical new material on how to deal with the world's increasing chaos and the accelerated pace of life. Consisting of profound new insights on power, fear, love, desire, health, sexual intimacy, energy, and...
The Pleiadians, a collective of multidimensional beings from the Pleiades star system, have been speaking through Barbara Marciniak since 1988. Sharin...