In this revised and expanded edition of Long Waves of Capitalist Development, Ernest Mandel seeks to explain the underlying determinants of the booms and slumps of the trade cycle. Mandel first establishes that there have indeed been twenty- to twenty-five-year-long waves of capitalist expansion and contraction and that these have persisted in the period since World War II. He then assembles evidence to show that while broad tendencies in the rate of profit have been decisive in triggering downturns, the ingredients necessary for a new upswing are, by contrast, generally political and...
In this revised and expanded edition of Long Waves of Capitalist Development, Ernest Mandel seeks to explain the underlying determinants of the...
Leon Trotsky has become one of the 20th century's most enduring political legends. Joining the Bolsheviks on the eve of the 1917 Revolution, he played a vital role as Lenin's right-hand man in the insurrection and went on to lead the Red Army to victory in the ensuing civil war.
Leon Trotsky has become one of the 20th century's most enduring political legends. Joining the Bolsheviks on the eve of the 1917 Revolution, he played...
Late Capitalism is the first major synthesis to have been produced by the contemporary revival of Marxist economics. It represents, in fact, the only systematic attempt so far ever made to combine the general theory of the "laws of motion" of the capitalist mode of production developed by Marx, with the concrete history of capitalism in the twentieth century. Mandel's book starts with a challenging discussion of the appropriate methods for studying the capitalist economies. He seeks to show why the classical approaches of Luxemburg, Bukharin, Bauer and Grossman failed to accomplish...
Late Capitalism is the first major synthesis to have been produced by the contemporary revival of Marxist economics. It represents, in fact, th...
The focus of this book is the emerging economic confrontation between European and U.S. capitalism at the end of the "golden age" of capitalism in the late 1960s. Ernest Mandel here paints a remarkably clear, comprehensive, and detailed portrait of trends at that critical period. Mandel moves with ease from the most general international problems to the specifics of corporate activity, and few developments in the business and economic worlds seem to have escaped his attention.
The focus of this book is the emerging economic confrontation between European and U.S. capitalism at the end of the "golden age" of capitalism in the...
Analyses of bureaucratic power and privilege have an academic pedigree but have also long preoccupied socialists. The collapse of Communist rule in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe puts to a new test the classical theories concerning the relationship between bureaucracy and class. Power and Money is a timely contribution to this renewal theory, exploring the social and historical roots of bureaucracy, both within the capitalist state and in workers' mass organizations. Ernest Mandel draws on archival and contemporary accounts in an analysis of both capitalist administration and the...
Analyses of bureaucratic power and privilege have an academic pedigree but have also long preoccupied socialists. The collapse of Communist rule in th...
Between 1918 and 1968, the forces of revolution and counter-revolution fought a ceaseless battle over Europe's history. In Germany and Spain, the Moscow-led communist parties led the revolutionary movements to disaster. In the decades after the Second World War, democracy was regularly threatened by right-wing movements which aimed to dramatically constrict democratic rights. This 'Bonapartism' continually threatened democracy in France until the 1968 worker- and student-revolt destroyed the foundations of Gaullism. In this book a participant and political leader within the revolutionary...
Between 1918 and 1968, the forces of revolution and counter-revolution fought a ceaseless battle over Europe's history. In Germany and Spain, the Mosc...
We live in an age where everything has been internationalised. Imperialism brought in its wake world politics and world economics. In this book, Pierre Frank explains how the Fourth International, founded in 1938 by Revolutionary Marxist militants, nuclei, currents and organizations, answered the problem of the construction of anti-capitalist, revolutionary political formations. As Ernest Mandel's biographical essay explains, Frank was secretary to Leon Trotsky in 1932-1933. This book draws on Frank's experience as a central leader of the Fourth International through to 1979. Daniel Bensaid's...
We live in an age where everything has been internationalised. Imperialism brought in its wake world politics and world economics. In this book, Pierr...
Ernest Mandel's book is a study of Eurocommunism unlike any other. Written in the polemical tradition of Trotsky, its sweep extends well beyond the immediate prospects of the Communist Parties of Western Europe. Mandel traces the long historical process which has transformed the once embattled detachments of the Third International into the constitutionalist formations of "historic compromise" and "union of the people" today. He then goes on to argue that the national roads to socialism of contemporary Eurocommunism are the "bitter fruits of socialism in one country" in the USSR. Mandel's...
Ernest Mandel's book is a study of Eurocommunism unlike any other. Written in the polemical tradition of Trotsky, its sweep extends well beyond the im...