What if we designed for all of our senses? Suppose for a moment that sound, touch, and odor were treated as the equals of sight, and emotion considered as important as cognition. What would our built environment be like if sensory response, sentiment, and memory were critical design factors, the equals of structure and program? In Sensory Design, Joy Monice Malnar and Frank Vodvarka explore the nature of our responses to spatial constructs--from various sorts of buildings to gardens and outdoor spaces, to constructions of fantasy. To the degree that this response can be calculated, it can...
What if we designed for all of our senses? Suppose for a moment that sound, touch, and odor were treated as the equals of sight, and emotion considere...
Black Elk speaks of the "square boxes" his people were forced into, and Winona LaDuke of the "boxes of mints" on Native lands. As long as the government was deciding what tribal buildings should look like, Native custom and culture were bound to be boxed in--or boxed out. But in the post-1996 era of more flexible housing policies, Native peoples have assumed a key role in the design of buildings on tribal lands. The result is an architecture that finally accords with the traditions and ideas of the people who inhabit it.
A virtual tour of recent Native building projects in...
Black Elk speaks of the "square boxes" his people were forced into, and Winona LaDuke of the "boxes of mints" on Native lands. As long as the g...
Black Elk speaks of the "square boxes" his people were forced into, and Winona LaDuke of the "boxes of mints" on Native lands. As long as the government was deciding what tribal buildings should look like, Native custom and culture were bound to be boxed in--or boxed out. But in the post-1996 era of more flexible housing policies, Native peoples have assumed a key role in the design of buildings on tribal lands. The result is an architecture that finally accords with the traditions and ideas of the people who inhabit it.
A virtual tour of recent Native building projects in...
Black Elk speaks of the "square boxes" his people were forced into, and Winona LaDuke of the "boxes of mints" on Native lands. As long as the g...