Sindiwe Magona's poems conspire with her. Even years after being written, they still seem warm from her lips, and it is this residue of her telling them that draws you into their confidence. From the languid innocence of the poems about her village, to her shattering images of Africa at war, Magona leads you headlong into her fireside circle where archetypes flicker like shadows on a face that has seen, and been. Please, Take Photographs is defiant and tender, horrific and homely, at once irreverent, outspoken and beautiful.
Sindiwe Magona's poems conspire with her. Even years after being written, they still seem warm from her lips, and it is this residue of her telling th...
Dieses Schülerbegleitheft begleitet den Roman Mother to Mother von Sindiwe Magona. Lernende finden hier Study Tips, sorgfältig geschriebene Annotationen und Vokabelerklärungen. Ergänzt um ausführliche landeskundliche Informationen in Form von Texten, Bildern und einer Zeitlinie Südafrikas sowie Zusatztexten sorgt das Schülerbegleitheft für ein besseres Verständnis des Romans.
Dieses Schülerbegleitheft begleitet den Roman Mother to Mother von Sindiwe Magona. Lernende finden hier Study Tips, sorgfältig geschriebene Annotati...