""A masterful, up-to-date revision, which has taken a classic to an even higher level of historical inquiry and subtlety.""--James Ross Sweeney, Pennsylvania State University ""As a work of scholarship the new edition is a considerable achievement since it
""A masterful, up-to-date revision, which has taken a classic to an even higher level of historical inquiry and subtlety.""--James Ross Sweeney, Penns...
An acclaimed historian offers an optimistic view of the future of the United States in the light of Roman history
Maybe the end of the American ascendancy is not upon us. Maybe the U.S. will continue to dominate the world for centuries. Now award-winning historian Thomas Madden delivers an optimistic view of our nation's future.
Madden shows that the power of the ancient Roman republic and the U.S. was built on trust between allies, not the conquest of enemies. The far-reaching implications of this fact are essential reading for anyone who cares about the challenges we face...
An acclaimed historian offers an optimistic view of the future of the United States in the light of Roman history
What is the relationship between the medieval crusades and the problems of the modern Middle East? Were the crusades the Christian equivalent of Muslim jihad? In this sweeping yet crisp history, Thomas F. Madden offers a brilliant and compelling narrative of the crusades and their contemporary relevance. Placing all of the major crusades within their medieval social, economic, religious, and intellectual environments, Madden explores the uniquely medieval world that led untold thousands to leave their homes, families, and friends to march in Christ's name to distant lands. From Palestine and...
What is the relationship between the medieval crusades and the problems of the modern Middle East? Were the crusades the Christian equivalent of Musli...