Spread the spirit of Christmas by giving the true love worth giving--God's love--with this special holiday keepsake booklet. Based on the best-selling book A Love Worth Giving, Max boldly says that before we can pass love on, we must receive it ourselves -- from God.
Reminding us of the most priceless gift of all A Love Worth Giving to You includes "The Christmas Cookie Story," the message of salvation and Max's insight into drinking fully of the love of God.
What better time than the holidays to give a special message to loved ones for the cost of a greeting...
Spread the spirit of Christmas by giving the true love worth giving--God's love--with this special holiday keepsake booklet. Based on the best-sell...
Are you ready to hope again? Are you ready to let go of doubt and sorrow? Just listen carefully. God is whispering your name.
Somewhere, between the pages of this book and the pages of your heart, God is speaking. And He is calling you by name.
Maybe that's hard to believe. Maybe you just can't imagine that the One who made it all thinks of you that personally -- that He keeps your name on His heart and lips.
But it's true. In the Bible and in the circumstances of your life, He whispers your name lovingly. Tenderly. Patiently but persistently. Let these stories remind you...
Are you ready to hope again? Are you ready to let go of doubt and sorrow? Just listen carefully. God is whispering your name.
Not feeling very beautiful? Learn what beauty is from God's perspective.
Revolve speaker Jenna Lucado has teamed up with her dad, Max Lucado, to bring girls a fresh perspective on what they need to live a life of peace, joy, and confidence. What does God see when He looks at them? And how does a girl catch that vision?
Jennareveals life accessories that are essential, and which single accessoryis a real must-have to give teens a look they love--a look that saysthey are comfortable with who they are and secure and confident. What'sthe all-important...
Not feeling very beautiful? Learn what beauty is from God's perspective.
Revolve speaker Jenna Lucado has teamed up with he...
Each sunrise seems to bring fresh reasons for fear.
They're talking layoffs at work, slowdowns in the economy, flare-ups in the Middle East, turnovers at headquarters, downturns in the housing market, upswings in global warming. The plague of our day, terrorism, begins with the word terror. Fear, it seems, has taken up a hundred-year lease on the building next door and set up shop. Oversized and rude, fear herds us into a prison and slams the doors. Wouldn't it be great to walk out?
Imagine your life, wholly untouched by angst. What if faith,...
Each sunrise seems to bring fresh reasons for fear.
They're talking layoffs at work, slowdowns in the economy, flare...
Cada amanecer parece traer nuevasrazones para sentir temor. Se habla de despidos en el trabajo, disminucion del ritmo de la economia, brotes de violencia en el Medio Oriente, bajas en el mercado de lavivienda, subidas en el calentamiento global. La plaga de la actualidad, elterrorismo, comienza con la palabra terror.Los noticieros difunden suficiente informacion causante de nerviosismo quejustifican boletines de ultima hora. De tamano inmenso y grosero, el temor nosmete como manada en una carcel de puertas cerradas. No seria fabuloso salirlibre?
Imagine tu vida, sin que...
Cada amanecer parece traer nuevasrazones para sentir temor. Se habla de despidos en el trabajo, disminucion del ritmo de la economia, brotes...
Algunas de las historias mas poderosas de la Biblia cobraran vida para los lectores de hoy mediante estas selecciones inspiradoras de los escritos de Max Lucado. Max proporciona una mirada irresistible a los momentos mas impactantes de la narrativa biblica, tomada de sus escritos de mas de veinte anos. Al final de cada capitulo se ofrecen preguntas para guiar el estudio mediante las cuales el lector puede profundizar en las Escrituras.
Se narran historias extraordinarias de los siguientes personajes: Maria, Pedro, Mateo, Jose, Nicodemo, la mujer samaritana, David, Ester, Job,...
Algunas de las historias mas poderosas de la Biblia cobraran vida para los lectores de hoy mediante estas selecciones inspiradoras de los escritos ...
En algun momento toda persona contempla el significado de la vida. Por todo el mundo las personas estan buscando respuestas, mientras tratan de encontrar a alguien o algo en que creer. En el libro de Brian Houston, Para esto fui creado, el autor explica que conocer la causa de Cristo significa entender por que usted nacio, saber para que vive, y decidir por que esta preparado a morir. Si no conoce el significado de la vida, nunca vivira una vida de significado. Houston desea que cada uno de sus lectores llegue a conocer la causa de Cristo. Su causa, senala, es la llave que abre nuevos lugares...
En algun momento toda persona contempla el significado de la vida. Por todo el mundo las personas estan buscando respuestas, mientras tratan de encont...
The heart of Jesus is sacred, and the lessons and examples it provides to us are paramount in our daily mission to follow in His footsteps. Max Lucado poses the question -what if, for one day and night, your heart was replaced by the heart of Christ?- That thought-provoking question leads to many personal revelations demonstrating that we can recast our hearts to be more like that of Jesus, and the blessings created by the transformation will unleash ripples to the widest edges of our lives and those around us.
The heart of Jesus is sacred, and the lessons and examples it provides to us are paramount in our daily mission to follow in His footsteps. Max Luc...
Nosotros conocemos muy bien el relato navideno... No es asi?
Una jornada hasta Belen. No hay espacio en el Meson. Un nacimiento en el establo. La estrella.
Pero, Es esa toda la historia? Y que hay de las cosas que sucedieron -tras bastidores- durante el nacimiento del Salvador? Fue la llegada de Jesus un gran evento inmerso en una silenciosa calma? O Provoco batallas celestiales entre ejercitos de angeles y un manoso Satanas?
Observa el momento mas significativo de la historia a traves de los ojos del arcangel Gabriel. Observa desde una perspectiva...
Nosotros conocemos muy bien el relato navideno... No es asi?
Una jornada hasta Belen. No hay espacio en el Meson. Un nacimiento en el es...