Hebrewspeak is both educational and entertaining_a revised, enhanced, and jam-packed collection of Joseph Lowin's _About Hebrew_ columns, featured monthly in Hadassah magazine. Rabbis, speakers, teachers, historians, and anyone who enjoys playing with the mystical words that make up the Hebrew language will find Hebrewspeak a valuable addition to his or her library.
Hebrewspeak is both educational and entertaining_a revised, enhanced, and jam-packed collection of Joseph Lowin's _About Hebrew_ columns, featured mon...
Art and the Artist in the Contemporary Israeli Novel presents studies of eight contemporary works of Israeli fiction by eight major Israeli novelists. It deals with a society where drama, lived in reality but also in the mind, is a central moving force. What this book shows is the ways these texts deal with the themes of creativity and the creation of a work of art and with the way art and artists are portrayed in a culture that is often perceived as being otherwise preoccupied. The book involves close and painstaking readings of these novels and travels along a broad spectrum of themes. It...
Art and the Artist in the Contemporary Israeli Novel presents studies of eight contemporary works of Israeli fiction by eight major Israeli novelists....