Marcellliesz's lectures delivered on October 1957 -January 1958 at the Uni versity of Maryland, College Park, have been previously published only infor mally as a manuscript entitled CLIFFORD NUMBERS AND SPINORS (Chap ters I - IV). As the title says, the lecture notes consist of four Chapters I, II, III and IV. However, in the preface of the lecture notes lliesz refers to Chapters V and VI which he could not finish. Chapter VI is mentioned on pages 1, 3, 16, 38 and 156, which makes it plausible that lliesz was well aware of what he was going to include in the final missing chapters. The...
Marcellliesz's lectures delivered on October 1957 -January 1958 at the Uni versity of Maryland, College Park, have been previously published only info...
This volume is dedicated to the memory of Albert Crumeyrolle, who died on June 17, 1992. In organizing the volume we gave priority to: articles summarizing Crumeyrolle's own work in differential geometry, general relativity and spinors, articles which give the reader an idea of the depth and breadth of Crumeyrolle's research interests and influence in the field, articles of high scientific quality which would be of general interest. In each of the areas to which Crumeyrolle made significant contribution - Clifford and exterior algebras, Weyl and pure spinors, spin structures on manifolds,...
This volume is dedicated to the memory of Albert Crumeyrolle, who died on June 17, 1992. In organizing the volume we gave priority to: articles summar...
Marcellliesz's lectures delivered on October 1957 -January 1958 at the Uni versity of Maryland, College Park, have been previously published only infor mally as a manuscript entitled CLIFFORD NUMBERS AND SPINORS (Chap ters I - IV). As the title says, the lecture notes consist of four Chapters I, II, III and IV. However, in the preface of the lecture notes lliesz refers to Chapters V and VI which he could not finish. Chapter VI is mentioned on pages 1, 3, 16, 38 and 156, which makes it plausible that lliesz was well aware of what he was going to include in the final missing chapters. The...
Marcellliesz's lectures delivered on October 1957 -January 1958 at the Uni versity of Maryland, College Park, have been previously published only info...
This volume introduces mathematicians and physicists to a crossing point of algebra, physics, differential geometry and complex analysis. The book follows the French tradition of Cartan, Chevalley and Crumeyrolle and summarizes Crumeyrolle's own work on exterior algebra and spinor structures. The depth and breadth of Crumeyrolle's research interests and influence in the field is investigated in a number of articles. Of interest to physicists is the modern presentation of Crumeyrolle's approach to Weyl spinors, and to his spinoriality groups, which are formulated with spinor operators of...
This volume introduces mathematicians and physicists to a crossing point of algebra, physics, differential geometry and complex analysis. The book fol...