After embarking on an 8,000-mile journey through the 13 original colonies and Canada in 1848, Lossing published this travelogue, which chronicles virtually every fight and skirmish of the Revolutionary War, with the stories often gleaned from eyewitnesses or their children.
After embarking on an 8,000-mile journey through the 13 original colonies and Canada in 1848, Lossing published this travelogue, which chronicles virt...
Written in the mid 19th century for the popular press, Benson J Lossing's History of the Anglo-American war of 1812-1815, called the war of 1812 in America, details the clashes between the British, Native Americans and Americans during that bloody conflict. Lossing covers the war from the start of Hull's disastrous campaign to invade Canada to Jackson's brilliant defense of New Orleans against well seasoned British troops freed from the Napoleonic Wars, a battle that was fought and won by the Americans after the Treaty of Ghent, which ended the war, was signed. Lossing's illustrations of the...
Written in the mid 19th century for the popular press, Benson J Lossing's History of the Anglo-American war of 1812-1815, called the war of 1812 in Am...
Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes claimed that historian Benson J. Lossing did more than any other man to make history interesting and popular. Lossing wrote his comprehensive three-volume history of the Civil War at a time when the facts were still fresh. Originally published in 1866, Volume One covers the period from the political conventions held in the spring of 1860 to midsummer 1861 and the Battle of Bull Run. Lossing accompanies his narratives of marches, battles, and sieges with maps and plans, includes biographical sketches of the prominent people from both sides of the...
Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes claimed that historian Benson J. Lossing did more than any other man to make history interesting and popul...