The language of Ancient Egypt has been the object of careful investigation since its decipherment in the nineteenth century, but this is the first accessible account that uses the insight of modern linguistics. Antonio Loprieno discusses the hieroglyphic system and its cursive varieties, and the phonology, morphology and syntax of Ancient Egyptian, as well as looking at its genetic ties with other languages of the Near East. This book will be indispensable for both linguists and Egyptologists.
The language of Ancient Egypt has been the object of careful investigation since its decipherment in the nineteenth century, but this is the first acc...
This volume deals with the development and the characteristics of the literature of Ancient Egypt over a period of more than two millennia, from the monumental origins of autobiography at the end of the Old Kingdom (ca. 2150 BCE) down to the latest literary compositions in Demotic during the Graeco-Roman period (300 BCE-200 CE). This book, the result of an international co-operation among more than twenty scholars, is divided into sections devoted to the definition of literary discourse in Ancient Egypt; the history and genres of these texts, their linguistic and stylistic features; and...
This volume deals with the development and the characteristics of the literature of Ancient Egypt over a period of more than two millennia, from the m...
Anhand einer Analyse agyptischer literarischer Texte uber das Ausland bzw. den Auslander werden in diesem Band Tendenzen und Gesetze des literarischen Diskurses in Agypten rekonstruiert. Dabei wird das Spannungsverhaltnis zwischen den zwei Polen von "Topos" und "Mimesis" ersichtlich, d.h. zwischen der literarischen Transzendierung akzeptierter Denkschemata, die sich (vornehmlich in Weisheitstexten) pauschal auf das Ausland als geografische Grosse bzw. auf den Auslander als ethnische Gruppe beziehen, und dem innovatorischen Charakter der Erzahlliteratur des Mittleren und des Neuen Reiches, in...
Anhand einer Analyse agyptischer literarischer Texte uber das Ausland bzw. den Auslander werden in diesem Band Tendenzen und Gesetze des literarischen...