This second edition makes a major contribution toward teaching for judgment skills, not just for knowledge. It provides methods for integrating emotive experience and thinking into a concerted approach to the improvement of reasoning and judgment. This second edition also shows how the community of inquiry can be utilized for the reduction of violence in the classroom and for the improvement of education of children at risk. The volume's abundant information about the varied approaches in the field of education makes it an invaluable resource for all teachers.
This second edition makes a major contribution toward teaching for judgment skills, not just for knowledge. It provides methods for integrating emotiv...
Matthew Lipman Fredericks Cscanjan Fredericks Oscanjan
This is a textbook for teachers that demonstrates how philosophical thinking can be used in teaching children. It begins with the assumption that what is taught in schools is not (and should not be) subject matter but rather ways of thinking. The main point is that the classroom should be converted into a community of inquiry, and that one can begin doing that with children. Based on the curriculum that Matt Lipman has developed at the Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children, which he heads, this book describes the curriculum and explains its use. The text is...
This is a textbook for teachers that demonstrates how philosophical thinking can be used in teaching children. It begins with the assumption that ...
Presents a collection of essays that reflect upon the development, refinement, and maturation of Philosophy for Children. This title aims to present major ideas in the history of philosophy, nurturing children's ability to think for themselves. It raises philosophical issues concerning such concepts as authority, morality, religion, and more.
Presents a collection of essays that reflect upon the development, refinement, and maturation of Philosophy for Children. This title aims to present m...
This second edition makes a major contribution toward teaching for judgment skills, not just for knowledge. It provides methods for integrating emotive experience and thinking into a concerted approach to the improvement of reasoning and judgment. This second edition also shows how the community of inquiry can be utilized for the reduction of violence in the classroom and for the improvement of education of children at risk. The volume's abundant information about the varied approaches in the field of education makes it an invaluable resource for all teachers.
This second edition makes a major contribution toward teaching for judgment skills, not just for knowledge. It provides methods for integrating emotiv...
Pomme Fruit de l arbre de la connaissance du bien et du mal, et aussi le fruit de notre recherche ethique. Une recherche que Lisa, jeune adolescente, curieuse et volontaire, entreprend tout au long de ce roman. A l age ou tous les possibles se dessinent, ou naissent tous les espoirs, Lisa pose des questions justes pour trouver sa voie dans la foret sociale et pour se perfectionner. Car elle est aussi soucieuse du bien public, comme ses condisciples qui tentent d y voir clair dans leur present comme dans leur avenir. Avec Lipman, nous vivons une - ethique de responsabilite - a la Max Weber,...
Pomme Fruit de l arbre de la connaissance du bien et du mal, et aussi le fruit de notre recherche ethique. Une recherche que Lisa, jeune adolescente...
- Cultivons notre jardin - ecrivait Voltaire. Notre jardin ethique en particulier, car l ethique s invite au c ur de notre vie quotidienne comme dans les grands problemes de l Humanite, en tous temps, en tous lieux, en toutes circonstances. La methode ici exposee cherche a donner des pistes d interrogation et de travail sur la recherche ethique. Sous la forme d un manuel, cet ouvrage donne les cles necessaires pour apprehender toute problematique educative, en famille comme a l ecole, au travail comme dans les loisirs. On trouvera une illustration de la recherche ethique a travers...
- Cultivons notre jardin - ecrivait Voltaire. Notre jardin ethique en particulier, car l ethique s invite au c ur de notre vie quotidienne comme dan...
Comment faire comprendre la democratie ? Comment apprecier l ideal democratique ? Comment former de jeunes citoyens ? Comment motiver les populations, les jeunes en particulier, a defendre les valeurs democratiques ? Autant de questions cruciales parmi d autres auxquelles Matthew Lipman offre les moyens de repondre, dans un esprit humaniste, grace a une recherche pedagogique unique par sa profondeur et son ouverture, fruit d une patiente experimentation. Le recit, miroir realiste des problemes de vie, est le support d un questionnement affine destine a developper une pensee critique et...
Comment faire comprendre la democratie ? Comment apprecier l ideal democratique ? Comment former de jeunes citoyens ? Comment motiver les populations,...