Ibu Robin Lim. . . was born in 1956 when a Filipino, Chinese woman married a German, Irish, Native American, against all advice. She now lives in Indonesia where she is called; "Ibu Robin" (Mother Robin). Lim is a Certified Professional Midwife, with the North American Registry of Midwives and Ikatan Bidan Indonesia. She devotes her life to Yayasan Bumi Sehat, a not for profit organization with clinics in Bali and Aceh, www.bumisehatbali.org, www.robinlimsupport.org. Along with receiving babies, Ibu Robin is an author of books in the childbirth genre, in both English and Bahasa Indonesia. Lim...
Ibu Robin Lim. . . was born in 1956 when a Filipino, Chinese woman married a German, Irish, Native American, against all advice. She now lives in Indo...
The placenta, the root of your origin, is a miraculous organ that shares and protects your life. It is the conductor that unites you with your mother and serves as the control panel of the womb-ship that sustains you until you are born. It was conceived at the moment of your genesis. Your placenta is genetically identical to you. Though you share some of your parents' genetic identity, unless you have a monozygotic (identical) twin, no one, except your placenta, has ever been so perfectly, exactly you. Sexual reproduction, the act of creating new life, only works because of the placenta. As...
The placenta, the root of your origin, is a miraculous organ that shares and protects your life. It is the conductor that unites you with your mother ...